Webworm tee & tote: Henrietta Harris edition
One of my favourite New Zealand artists has come on board to make a Webworm tote & tee - and they're available now!
I really loved your feedback to last week’s An Ode to Netiquette — so at the end of today’s newsletter I’m gonna include some of my favourite stories from you.
Now — onto this collaboration with Henrietta Harris which I am very excited to share.
There’s a tee shirt I wear in pretty much everything I make: a warped face that’s by far my favourite tee. It appeared in Tickled when I gingerly approached the tickling studio in downtown LA before being politely told to fuck off —
— and I wore it again in Dark Tourist, where it was bombarded by subatomic particles at Fukushima (and yet I still wear it, that’s how much I love this tee):
The shirt is from New Zealand artist Henrietta Harris. She made a limited run about six years ago, and I was lucky enough to grab one.
Over the years I’ve been asked plenty of times “where can I get that tee?” from people that have stumbled on Tickled and Dark Tourist, and I have to reply by pointing them towards Henri’s website, while saying sorry, but the tees are not around anymore.
So — I’m pretty over the moon that Henri agreed to design a new warped face just for Worms.
In the spirit of Webworm, it’s not a warped human face — it’s a warped cat face: and it’s available now in very limited numbers on a tote, and on a t-shirt.