Webworm, Arise! A Live Webworm Event
Tickets are now available for the first ever Webworm live event on November 3.
I’m coming back to New Zealand in November to do this Q&A tour of Mister Organ.
Most of the tickets for those live Q&A sessions have sold out, which makes me so excited and appreciative. There are a few tickets left in Hamilton, Matakana and Dunedin. Looking to add more — so keep an eye on this page always: webworm.co/p/misterorganscreenings.
I’ll also be at the Philadelphia Film Festival later this month.
The film officially opens in New Zealand on November 10, and I’d love you to put that date in your diary if you’re in Aotearoa. I’ve listed the 43 cinemas here — and will update it with ticket links as cinemas start to put them online.
Opening weekends define how a film will do. The new Black Panther is out at the same time — a film I very much can’t wait to see — but it will crush my tiny documentary. So if you can, selfishly, I’d like you to get a ticket to Mister Organ first.
But today’s newsletter is about something else that’s happening when I’m back in Aotearoa.