Trump is a failed husband, failed father, failed boss, failed truth teller, failed businessman and failed president. For a country obsessed with the lie of their own superiority and exceptionality, it seems completely counterintuitive to in any way support such a giant failure and loser. I will never be more astonished than in reading how many tens of millions of women voted for a man who is a repeat offender rapist and sex pest. A man who, with the simple act of supplying a DNA sample, would be exonerated in (one of his many) a rape case, which is such a flagrant act of guilt it makes my eyeballs hurt. Not to mention the immigrants, brown, and poor or disenfranchised who voted for him, all of whom he is unmotivated to help and who he seems to specifically loathe and detest. America is so very broken.

As for the Lunasa festival, they should just rebrand as the Lunacy fest and accept their own miserable messaging. What a total embarrassment. Facepalm facepalm facepalm.

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Facepalm is the correct term for both situations. And yeah - that's why Trump's "winning" thing is so annoying. He's the opposite. It's not subtle.

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He wouldn’t know subtle if he grabbed it by the pussy

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Its becoming increasingly embarrassing being human.

We are the the rich kid of the animal kingdom. Given all the education, opportunities and resources and we chose to live in our parents basement eating chicken nuggets in our undies, telling everyone else they are pathetic.

We can and should be doing so so much better. Its all such a fucking shame.

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Surely his piss-poor handling of Covid-19 alone should have seen Trump out on his ear. I shake my head in utter dismay.

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You'd think so. But then you have a Kardashian tweeting that facemasks give you cancer and she has tens of millions of fans. US of A. What the heck.

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The fact that every voter in our country didn't see what a disgusting person he is and vote the opposite is just appalling to me. Even more bizarre to me are the people that switched to trump. It's a weird feeling coming to terms with the fact that half of our country is some combination of evil and/or overwhelmingly stupid.

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New here. I live in Pennsylvania in a county that is red and I am a mother of 3 daughters anxiously awaiting to see if we will have our first female vp. I remember the morning after the 2016 election results, that utter disbelief and broken heart. I cried for weeks. Every time I looked at my daughters I felt like the country failed them. Since then I’ve lost contact with most of my Trump loving, even worshipping, family, friendships have been severed, and other tense conversations have gone down in our house with remaining family. Some people will vote republican regardless of who they put in there, some people are really hung up on the pro-life movement, a lot of people are lost in the conspiracy theory rabbit hole of chem trails and anti-vaxx, some people are psychopaths who just enjoy watching things burn. I’ve sat in astonishment when people who are otherwise sane, kind and fun people tell me they’re voting for that Cheez-it in the White House. It’s especially perplexing when those people are POC and have children who are LQBTQ. It’s nonsensical. It’s so incredibly sad. But I’m trying to remain hopeful and positive despite all that’s been lost, despite the riots and insanity that we’re living in. To those not in the states, please don’t give up hope for us. We’re still here!

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Thinking of you, Alicia. Your kids are lucky to have you. Really.

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I have a similar experience though I doubt as intensly as yours (i live in NZ - Trumpism & all that comes w it, affected EVERYWHERE). Feeling your pain and sending you positive thoughts Alicia. Some light and warmth today in the news today at least, eh?! Keep the faith.

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Yes! A huge sigh of relief. Now to start the healing process, I hope.

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oh and I meant to write thank you for your coverage of the festival as well - thank goodness for journalists concerned with actual facts.

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Thanks Kyra.

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Hello, David!

I feel like I haven’t been here in a little. I have been unbelievably busy stressing over the entire future and fate of our country that I literally forgot to pay my subscription. (Won’t happen again.)

Anywhosers. I’ve stated before that I am from Arizona. I voted blue, but since my county voted red, my voted didn’t count. But since my state voted blue, my county didn’t count. (I’ll take it.) I have two liberal senators in a very conservative state. I was born and raised in a city called Bullhead. (Yes, Trump visited us exactly one week ago and caused our COVID-19 cases to spike.)

I feel as though I have been blabbering on because to tell you the truth, I am TERRIFIED. I am terrified of some unbelievable fatal uprising if Biden loses, and I am terrified of the inevitable confident racism+ if Trump gets another term. I live in a state that will lash back (as you can see already via the news.)

Conservatives love telling us (pro-mask, liberal pro-LGBT, pro-choice, etc) that we like living in fear.

And to tell you the truth? Fear is pretty cushy. I have a comfy bed, lots of water, Netflix, webworm, and my cats.

Thank you for your time and your excellent writing. I believe during this further isolation from society I will do a webworm themed art piece.

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Eri. Welcome back. I rant and rave from relative comfort in New Zealand, too. I feel you.

I'm sorry your vote got outvoted in the place you call home. But thanks for voting.

The fact you live in a place called Bullhead blows my mind.

Thanks for being here. Thanks again for voting. I look forward to the art.

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David, I understand exactly what you mean. To be honest I am finding it very difficult to believe that so many people could even think of voting for him. Stupid? Selfish? Culpably ignorant? However, I cannot help feeling that for many of them, a major reason they voted against Biden was the thought that he is old and that Kamala Harris is black and female. USA doesn't seem to be ready for a female president, let alone a black, female president.

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Annie, I agree with this, it’s such a shame that in 2020 that a woman and especially one of colour is non-electable to so many Americans.

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The thing that gets me about the election is that if it hadn't been for the coronavirus he would absolutely have cruised to a second victory. He is an abomination of a human being by literally any standards and that seems to be a drawcard for a certain percentage of the population rather than a handicap.

The hippie festival organisers are ridiculously disingenuous. It always makes me angry when I can actually see a comms strategy like this. Deny, minimise, deflect. Gross.

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Hahah, his twitter username looks like david dicke

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I will add to the list of reasons why I could never vote for him - a bankrupt who had a fraudulent university, who failed to pay his taxes. And 20000 lies.

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David, I think this is my favourite webworm line yet: "Sounds like a bunch of hippie bullshit to me. And keep in mind… I like hippies. Just not red-pilled hippies". So thanks for that, and thanks for the @Latif Nasser link....so fascinating!

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I’m from the part of Michigan that’s the birthplace of MLM. The second I read “Our theme for Lunasa is bio-optimise and thrive- enhancing our internal biology, our external environment and power of the mind to achieve optimal health.” I assumed that’s what this is? I don’t know much about the festival but this seems primed to take advantage and take money from a bunch of people who believe these theories by gathering them at an “exciting event.”

That aside, I’m very glad to not LIVE in Michigan at the moment, among the protests of people demanding votes stop being counted and that the election is being stolen (how does one even do that), but I am glad that I was able to vote there via absentee ballot. It sure made a difference! And other than that, I’m just exhausted.

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Yeah, health and wellness types head down that MLM path pretty quickly, eh. Hate to say it, but minds very open to mushy logic.

Glad you escaped Michigan. I spent some time in Muskegon - not a giant fan.

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Sigh. We’re going to need more pictures of cute elephants, please.

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"We're gonna need a bigger elephant!"

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The trouble is with US politics - more so than the UK, is that it's very bi-partisan. Huge swathes of voters will only ever vote for one party no matter the candidate. Lots of republican know the Orange Mugabe is a bad person and poor president, but the thought of a Democrat back in the hot seat is a bigger anathema. America really needs to look at the way candidates are selected - find away of removing all the big money as this has corrupted their political system for years.

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Love your work, David.

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