Sep 8, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Self-professed provocateur pens a provocative piece which provokes a publishers response.

Yes, I can see why it's all your fault, David...

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I am sure it came as a huge surprise to him. Shocking. He's shocked! And the victim, of course. Of course.

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Sep 8, 2020Liked by David Farrier

David this is such a good thing. As a journalist of integrity, you've shone a light on someone abusing this profession and status for petty rants. That's on him and his response only solidifies how important it was to get him off the soapbox. 🙏❤

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Thanks Beck. Really.

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

It’s important to define that his articles, as well as his response to this current situation, suggest he is genuinely out of touch, lacks the skills to research, and is blinkered when it comes to challenging his own thoughts. So, basically, he’s just shit at his job and it stands to reason he would be a very poor journalism lecturer. As a student this should be a relief as they’re clearly not getting their money’s worth. It’s not ‘cancelling’ him, it’s letting him go do to serious underperformance. The ‘sour grapes’ tone he has ended with just reduces his position even further and is, in a word, laaaaaaaaame. A shame he can’t be open to learning more about his craft so he can continue to grow in his career, isn’t that what we all want so we don’t, you know, creatively wither and die?

Also, that little homophobic dig he popped in cut me right to the core it was so weak and nasty and pathetic, I can only imagine how you feel David, though I’m sure you’ve developed a pretty thick skin. So nasty though. You ok pal?

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Hey Sarah. You get it. I am all good, and well used to this kinda thing by now. Disappointing it comes from him, and it sucks for his students. For all the talking down and missing-the-point of his "media release", it was really just all summed up by that homophobic comment. Dude's a lost cause. In a way I feel sorry for him.

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

That’s kind of you!

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

I replied on twitter about this all initially, but oops my account is private. Anyway. Initially I found this all very amusing since I was a non-binary queer Massey Student who graduated with a Masters in Communications this year... and my thesis was on the Auckland Pride Parade vs Police and how all that was handled in NZ media. Surprise surprise, I found that the Herald was rather biased about the whole affair. And this sort of op-ed only emphasizes nothing has changed.

Now the initial amusement has passed though... I'm disappointed. My supervisor/professor and all other staff at Massey were great when I was studying with them. I was lucky. Knowing that I could have had to deal with Elers is somewhat of a punch in the gut, especially when I consider other people in the Rainbow community studying there. Not to mention, Massey already had a scandal over TERFs and their Rainbow Tick status last year (I found articles covering it here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/116144130/banned-from-twitter-but-welcome-at-massey-radical-feminist-group-to-host-event and https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/116640486/massey-university-cancels-controversial-feminism-2020-event-due-to-health-safety-and-wellbeing-concerns).

I feel it's telling that while there are good people in Massey, the institution still protects these kind of bigots and have to be pressured into action - if any even will happen in this case. I'm sorry that you in particular were targeted for pointing this out as well.

Obviously it's also worrying from a Journalistic Ethics standpoint, one of the Journalism Senior Lecturers is using a known biased media platform to spread hate and misinformation. It's amazing to me that the NZ Herald even decided to stop publishing his views, though perhaps I shouldn't be surprised - they're all about protecting their interests. Especially monetary.

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I really appreciate you taking the time to come over here from Twitter and post this experience. Glad we have a great graduate on our hands, and glad you didn't deal with him. You're right though, it sucks for those students that are stuck with him. Even of those views don't come out in the classroom, they're in print in national media, so those students know exactly how he thinks. Which for certain students will s u c k.

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Haha thanks for the thanks! I was a tad worried about showboating, but really wanted to reflect and call attention to how my graduate experience would have likely changed if Elers was my supervisor instead. Scary to even think about!! Super sympathetic to all the students there that know and worry about that instead now, knowing what student life is life (let alone a queer student), feeling like the institution is against you and especially if you don't feel up to confrontation... it'll mean they'll shy away from topics that *need* more thought and study in order to get a good grade. Assuming that they are able to perform well in such a toxic situation where someone like Elers has power over you. :( Sucks indeed.

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also oops I totally blanked that in the last post you made about this you interviewed Charlie about said TERF event. My bad!

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All good. Charlie is a fucking delight, eh?

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

The remarkable thing I take away from all of this is how he (and also the MAGA hat wearing buffoon from a previous webworm) might be in a teaching position but the youth they teach are SO FAR ahead of them. If any of you students happen to read this comment: much love and keep being cool. X

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"The youth" give me endless joy. A student from the MAGA-hat-wearing-teacher's class left a message on Webworm and was so smart and well spoken. Same case with this student's I've heard from. They are far removed from his stale way of thinking and viewing the world. And that's fucking great!

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

A "thought provocateur"? No Steve, there's nothing "provocative" about your articles, it's just boring old homophobia dressed up as humour. Nothing new or exciting. Unless "thought provocateur" is just a new way of saying "I'm a privileged wanker". And David, I definitely would be offended by his comment about you fancying him. Not just because of the homophobia, but also because I'm sure you have much better taste in men.

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Ha! And yeah, everything he tends to write is just so tired. Old. Boring. Yuck.

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

I loved your interview with the trans student. That’s what great journalists do: give a platform to voices that are too often left out of the conversation on issues that affect them directly. Even though I am so pissed off by his blatant homophobia, I am comforted by the fantastic work you continue to do that is clearly having an impact. (Also: I felt for you on the gay conversation typo! I feel like all writers have a tic that they can’t get rid of, no matter how much we try to stop ourselves).

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Thanks Haley. The student is the one who should have a platform. And I am glad I could give it to him, for that newsletter. I'd like to have him back. Thanks for the kind words about Webworm - I feel proud of this thing, and what it can be. And thanks for feeling my typo pain!

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Sep 8, 2020Liked by David Farrier

mAyBe hE fAnCishut the fuck up. Imagine being so fragile it’s easier and more convenient to be homophobic than self-reflective

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He seems utterly incapable.

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The problem is calling it "Cancel Culture" and not, as many before me have pointed out, Accountability Culture. When you phrase it that way, the aggrieved party is forced to reckon with what they actually did (or wrote) instead of fobbing it off on the people that are calling them out.

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I have just been recommended Gavin Titley's "Is free Speech racist" - feel it's right up this alley.

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Sep 8, 2020Liked by David Farrier

That comment about you fancying him is so petty and homophobic. He is just trying to belittle you (and making himself look like even more of a dick in the process). I'm glad his students are mature and confident enough to see through him (well let's hope all of them are).

BTW should "in-informed" be "ill-informed"? Sorry I'm one of those annoying people who are pedantic about language and notice these things :-)

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Pedantic is good. I often rush these thoughts out, and sometimes spelling and grammar suffers. Working on it!

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This is why I am happy to pay for a webworm subscription. While the antique wheel clamping saga is my highlight of 2020; anyone who is helping shine a light on people who spread hate should be paid handsomely.

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I will always laugh a lot at your screen name! Thanks for this. I aim to deliver both whacky clamping, and shining light on the a-holes (sometimes both!)

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

What a petty, homophobic piece of shit! Good for you, David! ✊

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He's provocative! At least that's how he sees it. This guy has a strange brain to occupy. Must be gross in there.

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Haha, totally gross!

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

The comment about you fancying him is such a petty attempt to make himself feel better by lashing out, it makes him look small. It's a child's joke in the middle of a complaint about how he feels his opinion is undervalued and his fear that the world is leaving him behind. It's not being a thought provocateur if it just involves clinging to the last remnants of a world you find comfortable and familiar.

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It's mad to me that that is being said in 2020, by a senior member of staff at a University. Puzzling.

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

It's like the tone of someone who just sends endless poorly thought out letters to the editor, its insane that he continues to do this while in any kind of teaching or leadership position.

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Hmmm, I'm a bit disappointed that 'gay conversation therapy' isn't a thing. Seemed like it held promise of being a novel way to promote tolerance and understanding - encouraging genuine conversations with people who don't hold the same opinion has to be of value - kind of the opposite of 'gay conversion therapy'? :)

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May think about copyrighting the term, now I use it so much!

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Sep 8, 2020Liked by David Farrier

What a big baby this man is. Imagine being a senior lecturer and still getting upset about having your platform to spout uninformed opinions about things that don't affect you taken away

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I think maybe he's spent too much time in academia and not in the real world. His ideas and so old, redundant and dead boring.

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Sep 9, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Wow its great that you've got under his skin! " Maybe he fancies me"??? WTF! Not only is he homophobic, he sounds like he may have some deep seated questions about his own sexuality! Maybe he protesteth too much?? Its fantastic that Webworm is a large growing and influential platform. Well done! Keep it up David!

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Thanks so much Linda. He has some sort of issue, that’s for sure!

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