David, you don't have to apologize about recording a podcast of just yourself talking to all your readers. We pay for this newsletter to hear from you!
I enjoyed that, thank you! (Despite the depressing news that actual articles may now be considered TL/DNR) Also interested to hear what you are watching / reading at the moment. Looking forward to more of your thoughts.
Thanks JJ. The plan is to get a bit more of a format - perhaps thoughts on life at the start, a breakdown of news taking my eye, getting stuck into feedback and feelings a bit more - and then a what I'm watching / reading / loving. And just stray things that don't belong in a long-read format, or just feel better as a conversation.
Love what you're doing, it's a kind salve in the midst of the shit show of 2020. I keep nudging people to read, and now listen. A sincere thank you to you xx
I am a journalist in the US and will be forever frustrated by the “I just read the headlines” mentality, which I find is so prevalent even among people who consider themselves well read and educated. A friend, who like me is in her 20s, once compared our Twitter feeds and laughed that mine was “only words” while hers was mostly GIFs and memes. I thought for a moment that her social media consumption was probably much happier than mine, but also more prone to misinformation (she will send me sketchy tweets to ask if they are true).
I know what you’re doing is horribly frustrating and upsetting (especially now that your friend’s children are in the mix) but we thank you for doing the research and writing that most people cannot be bothered to do! Looking forward to seeing what you do with the podcast :)
Around 19:40 ish, I'm convinced you can read my mind. So often I've thought about & wanted how our future would be... if more were aware of the harm & damage that social media can cause. If maybe everyone would decide to stop using it eventually, as much or completely. Everyone wants to display utmost "perfection" & luxury in their lives.
It makes perhaps these unhealthy, fairy tale expectations. Which is impossible to achieve. Who truly has a perfect life? Which is one of the reasons why -- after the 2016 election I deactivated my Twitter & FB.
I have to say, I've felt *soo much* happier ever since. Though miss my followers I had a connection, a sense of community with.
Before I deleted everything in 2016, I remember reading about the "Pizzagate" conspiracies on Twitter. Thought was fucking ridiculous. & had to laugh about it. & even though the 2016 election was fucking hell. ... I admit, I kinda planned on *potentially* ... returning to Twitter. Hoping to attempt to make a positive difference with our upcoming 2020 election. & maybe my old followers would find me again. Recently your newsletters discussing all of the Qanon b.s. makes me consider coming back too.
Not sure if I ever made any real differences in 2016 election... I am quite passionate, so any cause I dedicate myself to ... well, I invest almost everything in. & maybe am too tireless for. Politics,
"armchair activism" maybe comes easy for me. As it does for Qanon as well, like you mentioned, when they use social media in that way? -__-
The last U.S. election, I put more focus on creating/sharing artwork to express my views, how I felt & reactions. So I won't compare myself to Qanon then. I wanted to make a difference with art. & still have the (unfinished) painting series I started during that time.
Looking back, maybe college in 2016, learning about feminism & the Guerrilla Girls in my Art History classes. & then a Women Studies class, which heavily encouraged activism. The end of each textbook chapter was dedicated to it (did a project on Craft + Activism, very fun)... Perhaps that made me too passionate & involved then.
Today, I consider myself to be more neutral. Having respect as a value, even if I'd disagree.
... I allow myself be less influenced now. I know I can be stubborn anyway, & learned how it is good to think/decide more for yourself. This next semester my Intro to Photography class I doubt will change anyway I react this 2020 election :P Some artwork that influenced my views back then, & I do still love:
Honestly. If you have been getting harassment from Qanon on FB, David. ... really don't know if I have a choice .... Perhaps I'll have to make a FB account too & let them know how they can get fucked. :P
I'm a fan of yours & American. I see how America has a growing reputation for the Qanon craziness. A mess. ...If this shit is most prominent in the U.S. ... maybe I have a responsibility to stop ignoring it.
Maybe it just needs another American to tell them to shut up??
.... I know that's not really the best response, sorry. & I am sorry that it might have spread elsewhere, to New Zealand.
Regardless, yay a Webworm podcast. I never really listen to podcasts... but I enjoy your writing. so now looking forward to you making one! Almost expected to hear your Dark Tourist narrative tone of voice... lol. You're great.
I spent waaay too much of my time on Twitter, & loved my followers, wanted to support other artists I loved, have my own artwork noticed... After I left it, it really changed my life & especially being off Facebook made me happier. .... I'd recommend it 100%.
Great work, David. We need good local content like this pouring into our earbuds, so please keep worming away. We are listening to EVERY WORD YOU SAY! (Cue creepy music and flashing photos of Bill Gates visiting Rotorua and Jacinda visiting mask/pedo t-shirt factory)
So refreshing. I was starting to think that I was one of the only people left not buying into the 'the government is out to get us, covid is a global plot to control our minds, 5G is reading our thoughts' stream of consciousness. Thanks for connecting me with reality!
I just saw what you posted on wanting to quit Facebook. I don't blame you, but I'm so mad that people are putting your personal life into the fight against conspiracy theories. Stay strong and keep fighting.
Thanks Tyler. Just very aware of photos and so on I've posted over the years that aren't of me, ya know? If those are being nicked and then drawn into a master conspiracy, it's just stink for those people in the photos.
Hey Shaun - thanks. I love Dave's work, this is cool. Was a pleasure to go on. He's great. I discovered him when he did the Tobolowsky Files. He's SO good at running a show and keeping things on track.
It explains SO MUCH. There are multiple influencers I know of who have hopped on this "save the children" train, and they're all progressive Obama-fans who would be horrified to know that they were contributing to something that has its roots in QAnon. But everything was packaged perfectly for them, so.....
I'm selective about what I view on FB, as far as I can control that with the privacy settings. I don't do twitter, I'm far too thin skinned. I have noticed over the last few weeks, and especially last week, many of my friends are expressing their frustration/concern/disgust with some of the opinions and replies they are coming across. I've noticed more 'alternate facts' type comments too, especially on some of the articles about politics in NZ. So my thoughts... 1) I dislike Gerry Brownlee even more now than I did on Monday, and being from Christchurch I hadn't thought that was possible. How much harm has that snarky, dirty, politicking press conference caused? 2) 'Sheeple' as an insult is lazy, and ironic. 3) Thank you for adding punctuation to twitter/fb/instagram posts you quote. 4) I have been reflecting on why I find face masks a bit unsettling, and I think it comes down to spending far too many weekends as a teenager watching horror films. My kids are going to grow up thinking that face masks are reassuring, and a nice way to show your community that you care. So weird. 5) I love Kim Hill even more now than I did on Monday, and I hadn't thought that was possible either.
What a week eh?
Loved the podcast, it's cool hearing your thoughts in a different form. Hope you have good ways to keep your feet on the ground while you're immersing yourself in the yuckiness. And thanks for delving into all that so that we can get some information and insight about what's happening without having to go down that rabbit hole ourselves.
Enjoyed this piece - thanks David. I’m not usually a podcast listener but because I find it hard to sit and read articles on my phone, I thought I’d try out listening instead and it’s great. Thanks for posting. One thing that stuck out to me was your comment about diminishing attention spans, and I think we have to be careful about perpetuating a myth with that. I think it’s more wanting to address and hold our attention to something we relate to or get good stuff from (confirmation bias) or are interested in as opposed to not having the ability anymore of being able to hold our attention to something. Or in my case, not having the time to sit and read your article on my phone, but downloading as a podcast works ace!
You mention coming in and speaking at their level, I agree, but man that requires energy, tolerance and patience. Kudos to all those doing that work. I try, but my patience lapses after awhile and the irritation and anger flare - a good challenge for me to work on definitely. Look forward to listening to your next piece. Thanks.
That 'Oh Christ' made me lol. Enjoyed the podcast, definitely like to hear more. Also loved I Will Destroy You. Very unusual and as someone older than the people portrayed it was very insightful. The differences in approach and failures by authorities to handle the two incidents bought tears.
David, you don't have to apologize about recording a podcast of just yourself talking to all your readers. We pay for this newsletter to hear from you!
Arghh! It's the classic New Zealand attitude sinking in of "anything we do is terrible and people will hate it!" Thanks!
So far, my somewhat outsider impression is everything you do is incredible and people sincerely love it!
I enjoyed that, thank you! (Despite the depressing news that actual articles may now be considered TL/DNR) Also interested to hear what you are watching / reading at the moment. Looking forward to more of your thoughts.
Thanks JJ. The plan is to get a bit more of a format - perhaps thoughts on life at the start, a breakdown of news taking my eye, getting stuck into feedback and feelings a bit more - and then a what I'm watching / reading / loving. And just stray things that don't belong in a long-read format, or just feel better as a conversation.
Love what you're doing, it's a kind salve in the midst of the shit show of 2020. I keep nudging people to read, and now listen. A sincere thank you to you xx
Thanks Kristen. Appreciated.
I am a journalist in the US and will be forever frustrated by the “I just read the headlines” mentality, which I find is so prevalent even among people who consider themselves well read and educated. A friend, who like me is in her 20s, once compared our Twitter feeds and laughed that mine was “only words” while hers was mostly GIFs and memes. I thought for a moment that her social media consumption was probably much happier than mine, but also more prone to misinformation (she will send me sketchy tweets to ask if they are true).
I know what you’re doing is horribly frustrating and upsetting (especially now that your friend’s children are in the mix) but we thank you for doing the research and writing that most people cannot be bothered to do! Looking forward to seeing what you do with the podcast :)
Haley. Nice to have another journo here. Hi! And in America. My god. You're a hero. Thank you.
Around 19:40 ish, I'm convinced you can read my mind. So often I've thought about & wanted how our future would be... if more were aware of the harm & damage that social media can cause. If maybe everyone would decide to stop using it eventually, as much or completely. Everyone wants to display utmost "perfection" & luxury in their lives.
It makes perhaps these unhealthy, fairy tale expectations. Which is impossible to achieve. Who truly has a perfect life? Which is one of the reasons why -- after the 2016 election I deactivated my Twitter & FB.
I have to say, I've felt *soo much* happier ever since. Though miss my followers I had a connection, a sense of community with.
Before I deleted everything in 2016, I remember reading about the "Pizzagate" conspiracies on Twitter. Thought was fucking ridiculous. & had to laugh about it. & even though the 2016 election was fucking hell. ... I admit, I kinda planned on *potentially* ... returning to Twitter. Hoping to attempt to make a positive difference with our upcoming 2020 election. & maybe my old followers would find me again. Recently your newsletters discussing all of the Qanon b.s. makes me consider coming back too.
Not sure if I ever made any real differences in 2016 election... I am quite passionate, so any cause I dedicate myself to ... well, I invest almost everything in. & maybe am too tireless for. Politics,
"armchair activism" maybe comes easy for me. As it does for Qanon as well, like you mentioned, when they use social media in that way? -__-
The last U.S. election, I put more focus on creating/sharing artwork to express my views, how I felt & reactions. So I won't compare myself to Qanon then. I wanted to make a difference with art. & still have the (unfinished) painting series I started during that time.
Looking back, maybe college in 2016, learning about feminism & the Guerrilla Girls in my Art History classes. & then a Women Studies class, which heavily encouraged activism. The end of each textbook chapter was dedicated to it (did a project on Craft + Activism, very fun)... Perhaps that made me too passionate & involved then.
Today, I consider myself to be more neutral. Having respect as a value, even if I'd disagree.
... I allow myself be less influenced now. I know I can be stubborn anyway, & learned how it is good to think/decide more for yourself. This next semester my Intro to Photography class I doubt will change anyway I react this 2020 election :P Some artwork that influenced my views back then, & I do still love:
The Advantages Of Being A Woman Artist, 1988
Jenny Hart, This Work Never Ends, 2003
Thanks for the two links, and your beautiful thoughts. I envy your non twitter existence. I really, really do. It’s hurting us.
Honestly. If you have been getting harassment from Qanon on FB, David. ... really don't know if I have a choice .... Perhaps I'll have to make a FB account too & let them know how they can get fucked. :P
I'm a fan of yours & American. I see how America has a growing reputation for the Qanon craziness. A mess. ...If this shit is most prominent in the U.S. ... maybe I have a responsibility to stop ignoring it.
Maybe it just needs another American to tell them to shut up??
.... I know that's not really the best response, sorry. & I am sorry that it might have spread elsewhere, to New Zealand.
Regardless, yay a Webworm podcast. I never really listen to podcasts... but I enjoy your writing. so now looking forward to you making one! Almost expected to hear your Dark Tourist narrative tone of voice... lol. You're great.
I spent waaay too much of my time on Twitter, & loved my followers, wanted to support other artists I loved, have my own artwork noticed... After I left it, it really changed my life & especially being off Facebook made me happier. .... I'd recommend it 100%.
Great work, David. We need good local content like this pouring into our earbuds, so please keep worming away. We are listening to EVERY WORD YOU SAY! (Cue creepy music and flashing photos of Bill Gates visiting Rotorua and Jacinda visiting mask/pedo t-shirt factory)
So refreshing. I was starting to think that I was one of the only people left not buying into the 'the government is out to get us, covid is a global plot to control our minds, 5G is reading our thoughts' stream of consciousness. Thanks for connecting me with reality!
Happy to, Pia. Keep it real. Literally.
I just saw what you posted on wanting to quit Facebook. I don't blame you, but I'm so mad that people are putting your personal life into the fight against conspiracy theories. Stay strong and keep fighting.
Thanks Tyler. Just very aware of photos and so on I've posted over the years that aren't of me, ya know? If those are being nicked and then drawn into a master conspiracy, it's just stink for those people in the photos.
Perfect! Big podcast fan. In fact just heard you on David Chen’s podcast. Subscribed to your newsletter right away.
Hey Shaun - thanks. I love Dave's work, this is cool. Was a pleasure to go on. He's great. I discovered him when he did the Tobolowsky Files. He's SO good at running a show and keeping things on track.
David, this is fascinating and right up your alley: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/08/how-instagram-aesthetics-repackage-qanon/615364/
Thank you for this
It explains SO MUCH. There are multiple influencers I know of who have hopped on this "save the children" train, and they're all progressive Obama-fans who would be horrified to know that they were contributing to something that has its roots in QAnon. But everything was packaged perfectly for them, so.....
This is amazing to be able to listen on a podcast, the only thing is maybe I’m
deaf but it’s a little hard to hear you! Please keep the podcasts coming ✌️
Good feedback — I reckon I can crank the mix up higher in the future!
Great to hear your voice, that Kiwi superpower. You really make having to deal with this idiotic crap a lot easier.
Thanks, Charlie. Appreciate the support.
I'm selective about what I view on FB, as far as I can control that with the privacy settings. I don't do twitter, I'm far too thin skinned. I have noticed over the last few weeks, and especially last week, many of my friends are expressing their frustration/concern/disgust with some of the opinions and replies they are coming across. I've noticed more 'alternate facts' type comments too, especially on some of the articles about politics in NZ. So my thoughts... 1) I dislike Gerry Brownlee even more now than I did on Monday, and being from Christchurch I hadn't thought that was possible. How much harm has that snarky, dirty, politicking press conference caused? 2) 'Sheeple' as an insult is lazy, and ironic. 3) Thank you for adding punctuation to twitter/fb/instagram posts you quote. 4) I have been reflecting on why I find face masks a bit unsettling, and I think it comes down to spending far too many weekends as a teenager watching horror films. My kids are going to grow up thinking that face masks are reassuring, and a nice way to show your community that you care. So weird. 5) I love Kim Hill even more now than I did on Monday, and I hadn't thought that was possible either.
What a week eh?
Loved the podcast, it's cool hearing your thoughts in a different form. Hope you have good ways to keep your feet on the ground while you're immersing yourself in the yuckiness. And thanks for delving into all that so that we can get some information and insight about what's happening without having to go down that rabbit hole ourselves.
Hey Kate - thanks for this comment. Made me smile. Some good lolz.
Um - yes, trying to keep feet on the ground. Literally - been on some nice walks.
Glad you enjoyed my silly voice - planning to put out some more of it tomorrow, but this time in conversation with another voice.
Enjoyed this piece - thanks David. I’m not usually a podcast listener but because I find it hard to sit and read articles on my phone, I thought I’d try out listening instead and it’s great. Thanks for posting. One thing that stuck out to me was your comment about diminishing attention spans, and I think we have to be careful about perpetuating a myth with that. I think it’s more wanting to address and hold our attention to something we relate to or get good stuff from (confirmation bias) or are interested in as opposed to not having the ability anymore of being able to hold our attention to something. Or in my case, not having the time to sit and read your article on my phone, but downloading as a podcast works ace!
You mention coming in and speaking at their level, I agree, but man that requires energy, tolerance and patience. Kudos to all those doing that work. I try, but my patience lapses after awhile and the irritation and anger flare - a good challenge for me to work on definitely. Look forward to listening to your next piece. Thanks.
A great piece is by Julie Dirksen - debunking the goldfish attention myth https://usablelearning.com/2019/06/04/that-pesky-goldfish-attention-span-myth/
Thanks for the link - going to read now. May change my mind!
Love this podcast format, it feels like I'm listening to public radio - in a good way!
That 'Oh Christ' made me lol. Enjoyed the podcast, definitely like to hear more. Also loved I Will Destroy You. Very unusual and as someone older than the people portrayed it was very insightful. The differences in approach and failures by authorities to handle the two incidents bought tears.