Aug 28, 2023Liked by David Farrier

I'm guessing that Special Character is fancy school language for homophobia.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by David Farrier

The problem I see is they may develop systems and procedures with accompanying documentation but carry on as normal.

It will continue to be unsafe for any student who doesn’t completely comply with their “norms” , say a girl is a bit of a tomboy or a boy excels at drama and shows emotional intelligence let alone any rainbow kids

I feel ERO needs to tell them funding will be withdrawn until they make real changes

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Does anyone know if any of NZ’s integrated schools have lost state funding due to being like this before? Like actually faced financial consequences?

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Item 1 would appear to be an own goal. Admitting that they haven’t changed their beliefs, (or presumably behaviour) but just crossed out the text. Who thought that was going to be acceptable?

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They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

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And yet they are teaching students! I suspect they were going to try and spin the presentation by Sam Bloore as an example of how they’ve changed... for the ERO....but you’ve completely blown that apart. Nice one!

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Love your work, David. That’s actually initially heartening to read! That ERO are pursuing just how the school are fulfilling their legal obligations to care for all their students. Looking forward to seeing where their final report lands.

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My worry is that the ERO is kinda spineless and even with the report, it's gonna take a LOT for the MoE to removed their integrated status / remove taxpayer money flowing into their bank account. But will keep on it.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by David Farrier

👍🏾Keep up the good work 👏 I don't want my tax dollars going to traumatising the next generation.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Hiding behind the guise of “special character” is bs. My kids go to a public integrated catholic high school with openly gay & trans kids. There are no anti lgbtq teaching, or refusal to support those children because it’s a catholic school.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Thank you for following up on this and no giving up on these kids! My mama heart is thankful for you ❤️

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So this is definitely a step in the right direction but what happens next when the report is officially filed? Does the school have a deadline to make improvements by? Do they just lose funding in a major way if they dont comply?I feel like my brain already knows this information but can't remember for some reason!

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This is a good question - and unfortunately things are SLOW. And there is a certain element of spinelessness involved. The report is just a report. Paper. From my understanding it will be up the Ministry of Education to push for change / remove any kind of integrated status. But that is SO hard to do.

But once the report is out I will be asking a lot of questions to the Ministry - as right now they love just saying "We know nothing! Talk to the ERO!" and the ERO generally going "No report yet, check back in later doofus!"

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I wonder if letter writing to the Ministry would be in the works after the report is filed? That could be a way to get them to act about it! I mean I'm just some chick from Massachusetts but I can write a pretty mean letter if I need to 😉. And I think it's definitely something the NZ Worms could get behind!

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Totally! Once the report is out, and we see how the school responds - we can go from there. I will check back in with this all.

Oh, also - you rock. Thanks for caring from Massachusetts. That's huge.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by David Farrier


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This right here is the crux of the problem. I served as a city official for 6 years and ultimately left due to our elected officials inability and inaction when holding staff accountable. There was multiple times where my office and the City Auditor brought to city council clear evidence a city dept violating public code. At that point, the only thing left to be done is for the elected officials to make a ruling and/or put pressure on city management to actually do something about it. Time and again, council would issue some tepid scolding memo that had less force that a primary school detention slip, followed by some inauthentic non-apology from city management, and everyone would keep their jobs and nothing would change. It all comes down to actually holding institutions and people accountable with tangible repercussions.

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