Epstein's victims aren't all that interesting to QAnon and the media in general because they weren't cherubic toddlers being chained to a wall, they were teenage girls who, and this is important, often went to him to make money giving massages. QAnon wants perfect victims and teenage girls who give massages aren't perfect victims to them. Most sex trafficking victims in the US are teenagers who have either run away from unstable family situations or live in neglectful homes that allow other people to exploit them into sex work that they don't want to do. QAnon most likely sees those victims as asking for it and not worth the Tweet space. When underage kids are sex trafficked they usually come from poor countries and, this is very important, they are very rarely white. QAnon goes hand in hand with racism and victims who aren't white don't fit into their narrative. There simply are not that many kids in The US who are kidnapped period. It's a very rare crime, when kids go missing, it's most often a family member who has taken them and there is usually a shitty divorce or break-up that precipitated it. If (white) babies were disappearing all over The US, it would be HUGE news because it's not a common occurrence.

QAnon's perfect scenario is Trump ripping the top off of a tractor trailer filled with crying, white toddlers who were snatched from wealthy gated communities and preening as they raise their chubby arms towards him. That's their endgame. A bunch of Southeast Asian teenagers doesn't fit their narrative, so when real sex trafficking victims are rescued (and it happens all the time) they don't care. They want white babies to be in danger because it appeals to the white people who mainly believe this garbage. That's the scary part, there will be no end to QAnon because the victims they want to rescue don't even exist in the first place.

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Sep 19, 2020Liked by David Farrier

This! So much this! I tried to explain this to a friend the other day but she just refused to take it on board! Even when I asked her to look at the stats re: kidnapping/missing kids etc. she just said the stats were wrong 🤦🏼‍♀️ I couldn't even.

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All pretty fair commentary. Agreed.

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Sep 11, 2020Liked by David Farrier

some thoughts in no particular order:

"baby-eating MAGAs" = good band name

this would be sociologically fascinating if it wasn't so horrifying. the demographic shift/"pipeline" breakdown is v interesting, as is linking q with the good vs evil motif. it would be cool if humans weren't so determined to fit everything into oversimplified/dichotomized heuristics, but oh well.

i think more funds intended to support q should be redirected to blm

thanks for another great webworm :)

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If only people giving to QAnon causes were giving to BLM, agreed. ie giving to something real that will help as opposed to something made up that actively causes damage. Opposites in so many ways.

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Sep 10, 2020Liked by David Farrier

I still don’t get why this dude has to actively propagate QAnon BS unless it’s just for the lols. Surely he could accomplish pretty much the same ‘research’ without also being part of the problem?

To me he seems more like a shitposter who’s trying to justify himself using his socialist credentials rather than someone who should be taken seriously.

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Hey Graham. A valid perspective. It is a form of shitposting, but also I found his perspective really compelling and - dare I say - worthwhile? Like, I appreciate having his observations. You're right - it's a murky fucking area though.

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Don't get me wrong, I thought that it was a worthwhile interview that raises some interesting points. It's not like you have to be fully onboard with someone's motivations to find their viewpoint compelling - need I mention Popeye ;-)

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Sep 10, 2020Liked by David Farrier

I guess my point is that being a QAnon grifter ‘ironically’ doesn’t make you any better than someone who’s a true believer, even if you chuck a few coins into bail funds etc to justify that you’re ‘not one of the bad ones’.

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Also an argument that grifters are worse! In saying that, this guy doesn't sell much at all. Very very minor! And feel he's winding his stuff up soon especially as it's all getting a bit unhinged out there!

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Sep 10, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Thanks for the great interview David! I think your final points really clarified for me how much people might be getting sucked into QAnon through the desire to feel like they're doing something important, particularly in a pandemic.

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Yeah, it's all pretty sad and awful huh.

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Sep 10, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Sometimes, I wonder if the world has gone nuts. Between the Qanon stuff, the pandemic and political stuff going on in the US, not to mention my home state is on fire. Makes me wonder, but I refuse to fall for the conspiracy crap.

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Oh, the world is halfway down the toilet, absolutely. But occasional shafts of light.

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One of those shafts of light happens to be the fact that I have a job interview for a veterinary receptionist position on Tuesday. Trying not to be too hopeful, but if you could send good luck/good NZ vibes, it would be appreciated. :]

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Sep 10, 2020Liked by David Farrier

I don't want to take away from the excellent article (because it really was a great interview!) but I've been intrigued by the newsletter artwork and the podcast music from a few posts ago, and I was wondering how you go about finding artists for this kind of stuff? I'm a musician that would *love* to make some sort of ambient music for a podcast!

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Hey Jesse - I generally work with people depending on the thing! I've been wanting to work with Aaron Short for ages - so he's doing my podcast stuff. But would love to listen to your stuff - leave me a link. Curious!

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Here's a link to an ambient/space-y playlist on my Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/raintunestudio/sets/space-ambient

I mainly do film/video game music, so there's also quite a bit of chiptune and generally bubbly music on there. Thanks for checking it out!

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Sep 10, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Excellent interview and thank you (and of course Richard Parry!) for my new desktop wallpaper! 🍕🐙 #PepperoniCthulu

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Re spiritual warfare. One of the things I was very aware of at the time is the absolute belief in any proposed power being absolutely real and demonic. Psychics? Mediums? Ouija boards? Dungeons and Dragons? Tarot cards? Homeopathy? Really summoning actual demons that could get inside you. There wasn't any discussion of practitioners of such things being charlatans or grifters, it was all 100% real UFO sightings? As you mentioned, the aliens were really there and real, visible demons. Going into Victoria Park Market was terrifying because there were demons at every turn. (They had dairy free icecream though, so it was worth the risk)

Bill Subritzky spoke at Summer Harvest camp about how his son had caught a demon from staying in a rented bach that had a mildly smutty picture on the wall. My best friend's house was creaky (her Dad had built it and it was pretty ramshackle) but the creaking and ticking of that old house - her Mum was constantly praying to cast out the demons that were tormenting her. The poor lady, she was so devout but her house was out to get her.

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My god Summer Harvest. I’m still vaguely traumatised from it.

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My head goes in my hands at all this. I ask all the pointless "why" questions and find that I have no answers at all. I can see no alternative to just holding the door open for sensible conversation. I don't know if it is true but I feel like this stuff thrives when believers get isolated from non-believers. It only really works when the nonsense is protected from scrutiny. Really, Q-anon is not different to your rascist uncle if he got networked globally. A global network of rascist uncles. That's something we can possibly deal with more effectively. If what you say to him about it makes him engage in conversation defending his position, that's good. It's the possibility of change. Slow, incremental change. If he puts the walls up and turns away, you've blown it. Possibility shut down. If it really matters that these crazies are out there in ever increasing numbers getting wackier by the day, it is the responsibility of the rest of us to keep the lights on for sanity. It has never been more important to keep our shit together. Nutter-baiting may be fun but it doesn't ultimately help.

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"a global network of racist uncles" 😭😭😭

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All my thoughts have been bought up already in the comments (I want to be friends with so many fellow webwormers, group meet-up when the world re-opens?).

The illustrated part of this post is cool as hell. It brings to mind the cover art of these “choose your own adventure” series of books I was obsessed with as a child. I’m excited for future collaboration posts.

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Can someone clarify for me; why did he start the troll twitter account in the first place? I'm not sure I understood why he did that

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deletedSep 12, 2020Liked by David Farrier
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Thanks Danielle. This is really cool to hear. Happy to help!

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