Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I mean, at least that one guy wished that you'd get your vaccine. That's pretty nice of him!

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When a vaccine is used as a threat you know something has gone wrong in the world!

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I'm on the Board of the NZ chapter International Association of Business Communicators (IABC Aotearoa) and we were hosting Dr Ashley Bloomfield at the Nat Library last night. That's where Billy T K and his crew were protesting. It was super bizarre - it was like they are so far down the rabbit hole, they don't know which issue to be protesting against, and as a result, they're just incoherent (they need some comms advice of messaging, but thankfully none of our members were offering their services!) It was sad, felt really sorry for them over all but IRL they were polite. Behind the keyboard is obviously a different matter! Report this filth David; hate speech etc is bullshite and needs to be crushed.

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Hey - this is fascinating. And you're right - in person, it can be very different. Not always, but often. I have been emailing back and forth with some of those sending abusive emails and it has been fascinating. Next newsletter.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

You handle this so well. I guess you expect and understand what is happening. It’s scary how one post can make so many people attack one person. I feel bad for younger, less experienced people who don’t know how to process this kind of bullying. Some people suck.

Also - “childless cuck” ? Seriously? Pick a better insult. The thought of that person having children is horrifying.

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Ha, yeah - "no children! Oh my god!" The insults kids have these days, eh? And yeah - I'm all good, but others who get this kinda thing may not be.

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Childless as an insult actually bothers me a little because it feels like we might be getting into "great replacement" territory

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I find it really unnerving when people feel so confident sending stuff like this from their real names and emails. It shows that they are so certain in their views and so validated in this by their echo chambers.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Maybe this an example of Billy T.K. Junior's new career as an independent activist journalist!! Sounds like it. Murdering the truth as usual. The vitriol that they spew speaks more about themselves, not you. I reckon this is them, projecting all their stuff onto other people. Attributing to others what belongs to them. Telling lies about what other people are doing when in reality, they are doing it themselves.

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Yes, just him using the term journalist when describing himself makes me want to sick up a little in my mouth.

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Ughh, these people. I was conflicted by a Billy TK encounter the day they protested Parliament in January:

Arrived at airport, thanks to mis-judging Wellington traffic, at ~17:35 for a 18:00 take off with cabin bag full of survey equipment which sometimes attracts extra attention in security.

o Heading into the pre-security screening zigzag line and immediately in front of me is Billy Te Kahika. He's walking very slowly, fumbling with his phone, as is just finishing a live stream about the days protest outside Parliament

§ https://fb.watch/357P9N0_YL/ (can just see my hair as pass him at 06:25)

§ Wellington.scoop.co.nz » Demonstrators at Parliament oppose lockdowns and vaccinations

Dilemma 1 | I subdue the urge to shout "He's talking bullshit" (near his phone) as really need to get through security without a fuss

o I pass him and carry on around the bend in the line but, as I walk back towards him, notice a $50 note fall from his pocket.

Dilemma 2 | Briefly consider: he's a conman, should I tell him about his loss?

o I do tell him he dropped something and, as he turns to look, the man behind him scoops it up and hands it to him. He looks genuinely grateful and says 'Thanks, you're both gentlemen'.

Dilemma 3 | Briefly consider, but resist the urge, of replying 'thanks, but I think you're a morally bankrupt dangerous influencer' (the polite version of what I was thinking)

o The survey gear did trigger a second bag scan but was OK after that. I just made the flight annoyed that I didn’t confront him but with the certain knowledge it would have been futile.

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I think you did everything about right. Really. An encounter well told, too. Jesus wept.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Gave this a heart, NOT because I applaud the content of this post but because you need some aroha for having to be treated so disgustingly and appallingly. ❤️

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You are always a kind and shining light, Sarah. Thanks, as usual.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Love the geese, bummer about the people!

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Morning David. This annoyed me so much that I wanted to support you. And therefore have purchased a subscription to webworm. I can't stand Billy Te Kaka and his fat little friend Vinny. They're dangerous and I really think it's when not if someone is going to get hurt or worse. All it's going to take is if one of their followers is a properly unhinged mentally unwell person decides that they're doing "Gods" work by taking someone like yourself or the good Dr Bloomfield out. Please don't take their threats too lightly. I've seem them share addresses, names, email addresses before and now we can see that they do actually act on it. Billy is just a beaten up old band performer whose found his newest audience and is completely in love with the attention he's been getting, it feeds his narcissistic ego. They do exactly what he asks them to do. Please be careful. Andre

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Thanks A - I appreciate that. And I am being careful with this stuff. Some of it you can laugh off, other stuff you can't. Unfortunately violent rhetoric is where much of this seems to go. And thanks for being here. Unsub any time if it gets annoying - the free stuff will keep coming, but your support does mean I can keen this thing ticking along. Much aroha, and I hope those left following Billy start to finally see the grift.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

We will be victorious! 🤣🤣 That line caught me straight away, that is the kind of words that sound much more likely to be used by these guys!!

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I too hope you get the vaccine shortly.

I also hope you get a routine medical and eat yer vegies and get enough sleep. Take that threat!

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Did a genuine LOL at that one. When being told to get a vaccine is a perceived threat. What a weird world.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I know they're unhinged, you know they're unhinged, but it still has to be completely vile to have this kind of stuff directed at you. It's great that you have this outlet of writing, which I'm sure helps you process it all. But still. I feel for you. Only thing worse than a total fucking idiot is a self righteous total fucking idiot.

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The self righteousness is high in the wood man!

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

mmm side note if u play D&D and Vicious Mockery is one of ur spells, highly recommend stealing these emails as ammo

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I wish I played D&D - I know I'd love it. Will note this down if I ever do...!

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I'm sorry this happened to you, David. Even though they're complete fucking nutbags, I'm sure it hurts.

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It's OK - thick skin and I sort of just picture these people like a raging drunk man screaming at you from the gutter at 3am. I mostly feel sorry for them.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by David Farrier

It's just so exhausting. I've been living in NY and of course, a sizable part of the country is on a deranged bender. I feel despairing about it, honestly. It's like we're living in two different realities

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"Deranged bender" sums it up. Hang in there. Beautiful New York. Not too different from NZ sometimes though, eh. x

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by David Farrier

It's astounding to see all of that vile intent. Wishing you harm, as if it's ok to because you "deserve" it. Their aggression threshold seems so low I wonder if they get angry to avoid feeling shame... a shame/rage/harm spin cycle. Anyway it's pretty frkn excellent of you to write it out and let us see it. I'm amazed by the hatred. I've had it with scaremongering bullshitters grubbing for money from the vulnerable but the thought that a consequence of being taken in is an increased desire to hurt others is something I'm going to have to think more on. To act on. Thanks David.

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Thanks for being here. It helps to talk out loud about all this stuff. So thanks for listening.

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