
Just updated this page, because the WHOLE series now has its own feed: https://linktr.ee/flightlessbirdpod

If you like the show, that's how you find it!

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May 2, 2023Liked by David Farrier

The casual EPCOT mentions...👀

I am a fan of reptiles, so once again, really enjoyed the new episode!

Couple of related Disney tidbits:

- My favorite Disney podcast has signed off with "Stay out of the damn lakes!" for the past six years. It's an unpleasant reminder, but a lot of people start listening for trip planning and it's kinda nice that they do that.

- Cast Members who man the Kilimanjaro Safari ride at Animal Kingdom are instructed to immediately drive away if a guest falls into the Nile croc enclosure. The rationale is that there's no saving that person and hanging around will only result in more casualties...not to mention the trauma of witnessing the carnage.

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How can a place of magic and fantasy be so overran with the thoughts of being eaten by crocodiles? It's like Captain Hooks worse nightmare is being a part of Disney World in Florida.

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I feel like I will never again ride Peter Pan's Flight without laughing about this comment

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May 2, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Just listened to the alligator episode and my Massachusetts heart fluttered during all the Dunkin Donuts talk. I personally prefer the Chris Evans to Ben Affleck but that's just me 😉😉. I hope hope *hope* we get a donuts episode 😍😍😍😍😍.

Anyway considering the mention of how smart alligators are here's my also very smart TikTok burb of the moment for you 😅 :


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"Massachusetts man" is a very funny phrase. Rolls off the tongue!

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Massachusetts Man is distantly related to Florida Man but wayyyy smarter 😉😉😉

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Does everyone have a favorite Massachusetts man? Mine is Jason Mantzoukas. I screamed the first time I heard him in a Dunkin ad. And now I want donuts.

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Same. Or Conan. Or Steve Carell? Mass has contributed some funny dudes to the culture!

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That's a great choice!! I definitely think most Mass folks do but most people lean towarss the Wahlbergs for whatever reason 😅😅. I personally am also fond of Eugene Mirman 😍

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Not the Wahlbergs!!! Marky Mark is trash lol

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May 2, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Love the podcast! I was also a fan of Armchaired and Dangerous, which is what lead me to flightless bird.

Not to be 'that' guy but kākāpō needs macrons. Coolest bird in the world imo! This was an interesting read about some new info about them - https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/487671/what-scientists-just-discovered-about-nz-s-critically-endangered-kakapo for anyone interested

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Thank you - the joy of copy and pasting from an Excel spreadsheet!

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The web address "https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/487671/what-scientists-just-discovered-about-nz-s-critically-endangered-kakapo" has no macrons either. That must be frustrating, /me runs for cover.

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Hahaha yeah it annoyed me but maybe it’s because it’s a url? The article itself spells it correctly 🤷🏼‍♀️

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Well done on the index.

#9 Bottled water

I love tap water, but I've got psoriasis (skin condition) and tap water varies from place to place. For instance my local council water supply uses chloramines. As I understand it chloramines, is a combination of chlorine and ammonia. Ammonia is used in mustard gas and chlorine is used in bleach, the thought of drinking that is yuck.

I don't believe my old Takapuna water supply used chloramines, only chlorine. People who have impaired thyroid function may need to consider how much fluoride their drinking which can vary from water council to water council.

For me, I'm kind of brassed I know the above, because I love tap water and I now filter tap water before drinking it but I still shower under it unfiltered. My friend tells me I should be adding back in good minerals into my filtered water but why does drinking water need to be so hard? And maybe I should consider fluoride, but I like the idea of water keeping my teeth healthy, to heck with my thyroid.

Maybe, we should all drink more beer and wine?

Disclaimer: I'm no water/health expert, I just have a skin condition and have spent way to much time trying to minimise it.

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May 3, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Thanks for this list - the last 2 eps hadn't turned up in Armchair Experts so I just unsubscribed & when I went to look for it again found an "Armchair Expert Umbrella with Dax Shepard" which has all the Flightless Bird eps - don't know what that's about! Anyways, the upside is I will have 2 x eps to listen to if I get in my long walk later ...

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May 2, 2023Liked by David Farrier

I’m a kiwi and I pretty much only drink water with the occasional decaf Diet Coke. I get thirsty so I carry a pump water bottle with me. I also like really cold water, so, if I’m out or travelling I buy water and fill my bottle up. I also stash some bottles in the fridge that I reuse for a while and then throw them out. I have bought heaps of different reusable bottles and none are quite “right” for me!

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I feel you are kinda doing it right, Wendy. We are pretty similar.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Thanks for the reminder.. these were all SOO good. If I had to pick, I think the Florida episodes have been my favorites so far. The episodes where you travel to some other part of the United States are really great, because we have so many states and I am learning things about places I haven't been yet!

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Florida Man is up there with Skunk Ape, though we have proof Florida Man exist.

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I feel like the skunk ape is also a Florida Man! Maybe the original Florida Man, as well as the original Gladesman!

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With that logic, Skunk Ape would be on bath salts wreaking havoc all around Florida. That would be a great plot to a movie, kind of like a sequel to Cocaine Bear. Bath Salt Skunk Ape. Or Jenkem Ape.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by David Farrier

Hi David,

Where is the best place to post podcast episode-specific comments? Here or on some Show Notes somewhere? Or on IG ...or on Webworm in general? I thought the podcast platform (AE) would have something but can't find a spot. Ta. Debbie

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A very delayed response - but here is good!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by David Farrier

Just spent time catching up on a few episodes:

1) Ren Faire - my sister moved to Larkspur, CO last year where there is a DEDICATED space for a yearly summer Ren Fair (lasting 6 weeks) with a CASTLE!!! She had to make sure not to buy their property too close to the FairGrounds to avoid all the summer traffic. Also, my friends daughter is a "singing, merry milkmaid" there. After listening to your episode, I can't wait to go next year!!!

2) Board games - my family loves board games! Growing up, we had a family friend who had a connection to Mattel and they used to get all the new board games to beta test! It was awesome! Also, since I spent my first 9 years in New Zealand, we always played the British Monopoly and I can't play it any other way! Also I played Snakes and Ladders and it didn't scar me for life.

Hope you're having a great time in NZ!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by David Farrier

David - just listened to the latest Flightless Bird episode on Laundromats. During the episode, Monica suggested an episode on quilts... If you happen to record an episode on quilts - the town that I grew up in is called Quilt City USA... They host an annual Quilt Show & have a National Quilt Museum. I interned there one summer in college and the phenomenon of 40,000+ quilters dropping into a small Kentucky town is quite an event.

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The Villages was another great episode. But did anyone flirt with you or try to sleep with you while you were there? It seems that with all the wild parties that happen there, a young person such as yourself might be ripe for the picking.

And with all the drinking and golf carts, it begs the question if there are a lot of people getting DUIs driving around drunk. I know there is an area near the beach here in NC where people drive around of golf carts, and it's a common thing to hear about DUIs.

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May 17, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Came back to comment that I just finished The Villages episode (it's easier to comment here then on IG, I feel). All the talk about the high STI level amongst folks in the community made me think of that episode of Bob's Burgers where they go visit Linda's parents who live in a retirement community in Florida that's full of swingers 😅😅😅. Maybe they lived in the Villages, who knows 😅

Also found this for everyone's amusement:


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May 10, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Well done, thank you!

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Liked by David Farrier

The application's programmer/support specialist would be best placed to research, test and offer advice on the macron functionality, but,

Urls support the ASCII character set, which does not include macrons/utf8 encoding. However the web browsers correctly translate utf8 to ASCII for urls by escaping the macron. As I understand it modern web browsers will handle urls with macrons correctly but older may not.

It's likely the server application hosting the article only supports the ASCII characters in urls for compatibility, specifically to ensure older browsers can access the url. That said, you may want to raise a information request/enhancement for the vendor to support macrons/utf8 encoding in urls.

Ideally both urls would be supported, one with macrons and one without. And in time the ones without macrons would be depreciated/removed.


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