Hi there,
I wanted to put all of Josh Drummond’s Webworm pieces all in one place. I love that he writes for Webworm — and all of these are a good read!
The Cult of Self-Improvement
Josh Drummond looks at the many ways that self-improvement looks like a religion — or a cult. And then he starts his own.
Why Are So Many “Christians” Hellbent on Being Horrible?
Why do so many objectively hideous people declare themselves “Christian”?
Meeting the Master Baiters
Are the worst people just doing a bit?
Why AI is Arguably Less Conscious Than a Fruit Fly
So many people assume if behavior appears human, consciousness must be underneath.
Evangelicalism is Not Just a Religion: It’s a Parallel Culture
Much of fundamentalist Christianity is more than just a religion: it’s a conspiracy theory gone wild.
Needless F**king Things
A deep dive into NFTs and cryptocurrencies and the hellscape of living with it all
Needless F**king Things Part Two: The Bird Hat Grift Club
Joshua Drummond has created a fully functioning NFT project to prove NFTs are utter garbage
Twitter, Crypto and Web3 Chaos: WTF Is Really Going On
Megacorporations have made the internet shit, and so the internet is fucked. What’s coming next?
Imprisoned in a System That Won’t Let Us Act
Reflecting on the IPCC report: “We’re being denied climate agency”
This guy is ok but he's no Hayden Donnell