Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

Re: anxiety around what people want from Webworm.

I can only speak for myself, but I love the eclectic mix of content. I think you writing about what you’re passionate about shows through, leading to an interesting newsletter no matter what the subject is.

A question I had; do you have any tips for keeping creative morale up as you slowly work on a project? I’ve run into similar problems where I feel like I’m taking way too long on a creative side project, but also want to enjoy my down time.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022Author

This is genuinely so nice to hear. Really.

I also think this keeps me sane as I genuinely adore writing this thing. Whether it's something weird, or an investigation that took weeks or months, or a guest writer I love.


As for creative morale - my gosh that's a good one. I think it's really important to have other things going on. If you get sunk into one creative project and nothing else, you risk that one thing feeling bigger than it really is, and if it's going badly (which it will at times) you can spiral out going "Oh god this one thing I love is TERRIBLE".

Even if you only have the one project, make sure you can escape into other things.

Mister Organ was hard. Really hard. Webworm was an escape during that process too, that let me leave thinking about the film, and embrace other things, reenergise, then back back into it.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

I'd like to third this. Always check my email first thing to see if there's something new.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

I second this 😊

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Agree love the quirky mix and David's quirky intelligence over any of the topics covered.

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Ditto. I love seeing when the app notifies me of a brand new newsletter. I downloaded the app purely for you

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I genuinely get a small burst of excitement when a webworm drops on my email. "Ooooh what's David got going on this week" is usually what I'm thinking.

It's a terrific way to break up the monotony of bills, retail newsletters I have unsubscribed from 100 times and house listings matching a search criteria I will never be able to buy.

Keep it up!!!

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This makes me so happy. Excitement on a Webworm - that is the dream for me. THANKS. I must be doing something right.

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Well to answer one of your questions David, I first heard of you when I stumbled across the Bashford articles on the Spinoff. That was why when I spotted webworm during the first lockdown I gave it a whirl and eventually subscribed. And then I shared some webworms with my mum who is now also a subscriber 😁.

We just love someone willing to take the time to expose bullies and give victims a voice. Plus there's nothing quite like a juicy scandal to read first thing in the morning over a steaming latte.

I've been waiting for an update on this for yonks. Little did I know I'd be rewarded for my wait with a feature length docco. Thank you!!!!!!!!

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It's really interesting hearing how people came here. Funny for you it was Bashford Antiques - and in a newsletter pondering what people come to Webworm for, it's about that crazy yarn again. Wild.

Also - hi to your mum!

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SO EXCITED to see this!

I think I've been here since the start and the appeal has always been the same, unique perspectives on interesting things and brave journalism.

I love having no idea what might come next. I love supporting giving you time to investigate things that others don't.

This space and these newsletters have been my light during so many crazy times over the last few years and I have learnt so much- about the world, about you and the other readers and about myself. Its been incredible.

I dont think you need to over think it. Writing what you feel or are currently captivated by seems to be a winning formula. Thank you for all of the things!

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I love that feeling of not knowing what's next, too. It's the best. I try and inject that energy into my stuff as well.

Also this thing being a "light" means the world. That sounds so fucking cheesy but it really is.

For what it's worth, that whole thing about sunlight being the best disinfectant - I believe that so strongly. Bring all that dark shit into the light and watch it crumble.

God, I sound like an old school Christian or something. Too much Arise!

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Yeah, what Beck said. That about covers what I was thinking.

It was the lockdown conspiracy stuff that drew me in, but every topic has been a good read. This is the only site where I read everything, including the comments.

This is a great place you have created David. Keep it up and just follow your whims and curiosity.

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You don't at all

Your are saying meaningful, uplifting shit you deliver on, so its completely different

I love this

Get the skeletons out of the closet and introduce them to your friends

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

I think 'I have the key to your heart' is leading contender for the next Webworm tshirt.....

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I prefer "You'd probably be quite an interesting person to know if you weren't such a cunt" 🤣

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10/10 would wear

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I must have seen the trailer 20 times now. I keep coming back for that one line 😂😂. Please make that into a tee

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10/10 would wear this

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Lol that’s my fave too 😂

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In a vast sea of absolute nonsense, yours is the voice of not just reason, but empathy and humour. With the exception of your love of heavy metal, I agree with pretty much everything you write. That’s so comforting over a coffee first thing in the morning.

Also very comforting is the community you’ve created here - confirmation there are still sane, good people around. Please never stop!

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We'll win you over to metal one day (joking - you're either in or you're out with this genre I think!)

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I think the community aspect is important. There has been a fascinating variety of noggin seeds planted by David and then a new garden comes a-sprouting in the comments section.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

I think others have already said this better than I could - I love the variety of webworm content and appreciate the twists and turns from quirky and funny to the more serious and intense. Reading webworm is a bright spot in my week that I always look forward to! (Along with flightless bird :).

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I may be unique, but I don't "want" anything from Webworm; I simply open my email and let the nerdy goodness flow 🤓

I have Twitter for my news (cos MSM is broken), FB for my community links, MSM for my light entertainment (sup. MSM)

So don't change a thing!

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

I can’t remember when I started following you, but maybe around the time of Tickled? Anyway, I really love seeing a new Webworm notification pop up, no matter what the topic! As someone whose work is always something varied and all over the show, I appreciate seeing what you’re up to and it makes me feel less chaotic! (Speaking of which, currently for work I am in Tahiti filming a marine biosecurity conference, and next week I’ll be back home doing promo video for Matilda the musical, but it’s not always quite this exciting)

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Tahiti! Lucky

*jealous vibes your way*

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Keep doing what you’re doing, David. I enjoy your piercing lenses through big company/church obstruction, conflation and bully bullshit. On that note, did you or anyone else notice the timing of the National Party’s (Diet Republican in NZ) announcement of the Sam Uffindell MP report into his bullying? Announced precisely hours before a rather large state funeral on Monday evening NZ time. PR couldn’t have asked for a more high profile event than that to mourn losses etc etc. report etc etc.

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Sounds like Arise church's timing - either after the 6pm news has been and gone and the papers have locked their printing schedule - OR in this case when a giant event is on.

L A M E.

Glad you see through the game.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

I can't remember why or when I first subscribed, but I remember just feeling happy to help out a source of news and stories that I actually TRUST.

I trust you to be honest and transparent and empathetic. I trust without doubt that what you write is true and factual.

We are apparently on the same left side of the fence. It's nice to have someone looking into things that I align with and care about.

You have such a casual and familiar way of writing that is easy and fun to read.

Very much looking forward to this documentary. It amazes me you've just been ticking away at this in the background, you seem so busy with all the things!

Bloody great stuff.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

As other have said, I knew who you were but it was the Bashford series that really got me into your stuff. Can't wait to see the doc! Gutted I'm away the night you're doing your thing in Auckland

ps. Bloody love the last line of the trailer 🤣🤣

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"...If you weren't such a c-aring kind person."

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

I cannot wait to watch MISTER ORGAN, based on that gripping trailer. Fucking brilliant.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by David Farrier

Trailer looks fantastic, man! I also have absolutely no frame of reference for what this is all about, but I'm definitely hooked!

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If you did want a frame of reference, you could check this out: https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/21-09-2022/wtf-is-going-on-at-bashford-antiques-where-the-mister-organ-story-began

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Thank you for this link, I am now up to speed 🙏🏻

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by David Farrier

Just whatever your bonkers life delivers!

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by David Farrier

Looks scary, no wonder you fled to LA 😉 thanks for the links to some of your other articles, there were a couple I hadn’t read- love the puzzle piece!

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