It’s so satisfying when bullies get a taste of their own medicine. I probably shouldn’t have been quite so thrilled to hear she scurried off … but I’ll take my wins where I can x
Well, now that horrid, disgusting woman knows the meaning of “fuck around and find out.” I was so happy to see that there was a huge turnout against her and her vile message. If you’re not for human rights, you’re on the wrong side of history.
The way she frames it about being about "women" is so gross. I made the mistake of tweeting about her, and I've actually never experienced the volume of vile insanity coming in at me.
Can see why the nazis and homophobes sidle up to her, too. Oof.
Any “movement” that tries to “save” cis women from trans people is a smokescreen to hide their fear of anyone who isn’t them. They’re all afraid, which explains why she scurried away. As a cis woman, I welcome my trans sisters (and brothers) with open arms because they’re human beings.
All her “women across New Zealand are afraid” crap makes me wild. Who is this lunatic to speak for half the population, 99% of which do not tremble in the boots at the thought of a trans woman in the public toilets.
And something along the lines of "This is the worst country to be a woman" (her) while jumping on a $3000 flight through Dubai. The ignorance and irony, oh my.
Yuck yuck yuck. Can't take ownership anywhere. You were inappropriate because you were inappropriate. Glad these detailed finance postings are public, good job Australia.
I don't even know if it's appropriate to call it a bribe... coz a bribe infers some sort of coercion...
I feel like it's almost money laundering. Like they're converting tithe donations into "honorariums" to absolve themselves of guilt. Because it's a gift, it's not tithe so do what you want with it. Though it's not as if their morals have stopped them misusing tithes in the past.
Koha payments have been used the same way, but I guess they're not culturally competent enough to commit fraud in that way, yet.
Marama Davidson has so much poise and mana. Legend.
I know this is only a small issue in relation to the giant heap of hypocrisy, tax evasion, predatory sexual behaviour, bullying, exploitation and do in that surrounds these organisations, but I wonder if income tax was paid on these honoraria? They were payments made in return for a service being performed, just like if you hired a regular PR agency to help hide your clusterfucks. Calling it an honorarium doesn’t mean it’s not subject to tax laws (if I’m wrong then I will be going off a salary and onto an honorarium tomorrow) so if anyone from the NZ IRD reads this can you please check on this for me?
Agree with all - you know that bc it was done in the service of the lord or whomever, that it’ll be free from the sins of tax. I also gotta say the use of the word honorarium illicits the same rage I feel when I hear anyone from the arise church using ‘seasons’. The gaslighting is blinding. Insert several rage emojis and a stick figure rage gif here.
Thanks for your acknowledgment David! For a while now I have been struggling with depression and passive suicide ideation due to my lack of healthcare access - I’m in a waiting pool of about 40 for top surgery (which took a long time and multiple doctors to get on) and now it’s been almost two years. It’s a lotto, rather than a waiting list as all our needs are seen as equal. Life right now feels stuck in limbo, in a "how long can I live in this body that isn’t mine" type of way. Waiting. Life is on hold. Going private costs $25k. If I save for 5 years and use my KiwiSaver I can do it. Trade my future for actually having a life. Outside of my queer circles, the constant misgendering take a toll. Seeing all the negative stuff online takes a toll. Seeing privileged white people spouting hate at minorities and vulnerable communities takes a toll. I feel like the world doesn’t want me.
To see the AMAZING response from NZ has made me feel a little better. It really hammers home that it’s just shitty ignorant fearful people that don’t want me, and because they don’t, that punk side of me flares. "I can stay alive just to rebel against the hate!" A temporary act of defiance, before my feelings slither back. So yeah seeing so many people actively take a stand is so heartwarming. Thank you for your words.
Regarding pastors and medication - I can confirm that the sleeping pill this guy was on is probably Zopiclone (only one we have here that isn’t a benzo) and if you take it in high enough doses (3-4 times the normal) and don’t sleep, it fucks with your judgement on a level alcohol hasn’t dreamed of. I once thought it would be a good idea to scan my butt and send it to my gaming guild. They stopped me. Another time I was practicing bruise SFX makeup on myself when I thought, “Why use makeup when I can do it for real?" And proceeded to punch myself in the face a few times. The bruise was pathetic. Not worth it. Anti-anxieties (in normal dose with alcohol) have gotten me into a situation where I now suffer nerve damage in my dominant arm but that was only 50% my fault.
All this to say, yes, these medications can result in your judgement dissolving into some stupid ass thinking BUT IF YOU ARE TAKING THEM YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY to yourself and others, and he should have known better then engage in that sort of drug use in a social environment, especially where he has leadership. Besides, they aren’t going to make you behave in a way counter to your nature. I have never sexually harassed people or made them uncomfortable in that way - only made a fool of myself, and that is very telling of the person. I can see how it affects his behaviour but it is in absolutely no way an excuse for it. Do fucking better.
No words. Thanks for your openness - it's a dream to have you here, and to have such honest writing. The gathering of so many bodies in Auckland and beyond which really said "we got your back" was a delight to see. Lots of cool people in NZ to counter the bad.
THANKS FOR WRITING THIS! AND KICKING ASS. "It really hammers home that it’s just shitty ignorant fearful people that don’t want me, and because they don’t, that punk side of me flares. "I can stay alive just to rebel against the hate!" A temporary act of defiance, before my feelings slither back. So yeah seeing so many people actively take a stand is so heartwarming. Thank you for your words."
I hope you have some good supports Jack. The reality of gender affirming care in NZ is pretty bleak sometimes, but there are good organisations out there who really care and will support you however they can.
Thank you Charlotte! 🖤 I have lot’s of social support and I’m in the process of finding a therapist who if not trans themself, is aware and educated in the issues! I really should reach out to my local organisations - they do such good work!
I was enjoying a most welcome autumnal morning in Albert Park yesterday with the loveliest and most diverse of our community, it was peaceful and festive as you'd expect from any GLBTQI+ hooley until, the Destiny mob decided to get involved by endlessly revving their motorbikes and I have since heard about Maramars' assault on a pedestrian crossing (crosswalk) As with Webworms investigative pieces on Megachurch activities, the darkness of religiosity came across strongly yesterday and I was moved by several references to our late Georgina Beyer and what she would have had to say and do, in response to Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull's unwelcome interference.
The biker gang chic of Brian and his band of leather-clad "Christians" is a pretty weird, gross vibe eh. Driving through an MP at a crossing not the classiest affair either.
They should make these people have a take-a-trans-to-coffee day as a sort of community service for driving their motorbikes at Marama. It astounds me that people can just assume malignant intent about strangers based on their appearance or some irrelevant personal detail about them like their gender. If they found out the trans woman in question was a terminally ill cancer patient working as a surgeon at Starship hospital and volunteering for the local soup kitchen on her days off while also running a greyhound rescue facility from her house, do you think they'd reassess their equation that born-with-penis + using-female-public-loos = unhinged rapist?
Thanks for the chuckle! It's such a dumb line that's been run, not least because those dens of danger, women's loos, all seem to have lockable cubicles to allow the rapists to be shut out. At Womad last weekend I strolled past a line of perhaps 30 waiting females and into the Gents. Two minutes later a woman strode in behind me, muttering all sorts of oaths about the other queue, and availed herself of the facilities. No-one batted an eyelid.
My comment is regarding Posie Parker and her attempt at speaking in NZ. How good is it that we got rid of her and her toxic rhetoric!Trans people are just people - human people - with feelings, emotions, ambitions and dreams. For members of the trans community to be the subject of so much hate makes me mad and sad and I feel it shows a certain level of immaturity to treat people who are different to you with such toxic derision.
And not only people who are different, but people who are actively already at the bottom of the food chain simply fighting for a right to live. If she truely were an ‘activist’ as she claims to be, she would be more productive and fight for the better, not bully minorities. Truly awful.
I meant it as a metaphor - the social food chain. By being at the bottom meaning it isn’t until very, very recently our needs and voices are finally being heard and respected. But thanks for calling me decent! 😘
It’s so satisfying when bullies get a taste of their own medicine. I probably shouldn’t have been quite so thrilled to hear she scurried off … but I’ll take my wins where I can x
Scurrying is the correct word. As someone who likes drama, I do like how dramatic she is being over on twitter. Soap opera level. Amazing stuff.
Well, now that horrid, disgusting woman knows the meaning of “fuck around and find out.” I was so happy to see that there was a huge turnout against her and her vile message. If you’re not for human rights, you’re on the wrong side of history.
The way she frames it about being about "women" is so gross. I made the mistake of tweeting about her, and I've actually never experienced the volume of vile insanity coming in at me.
Can see why the nazis and homophobes sidle up to her, too. Oof.
Any “movement” that tries to “save” cis women from trans people is a smokescreen to hide their fear of anyone who isn’t them. They’re all afraid, which explains why she scurried away. As a cis woman, I welcome my trans sisters (and brothers) with open arms because they’re human beings.
Fuckin' amen.
All her “women across New Zealand are afraid” crap makes me wild. Who is this lunatic to speak for half the population, 99% of which do not tremble in the boots at the thought of a trans woman in the public toilets.
Hehehe, go Nicky. Postulating ( pustulating?) Posy sure does not speak for me! Never trust anyone who keeps their shades on when being interviewed .
Kim Jong Un, Brian Tamaki, --- yeah she is in good company.
“I have grave fears for this place,” she said as she left. “This country’s fucked.”
Proud of you, NZ.
I hadn’t read that she’d said this - never been prouder to be a kiwi 💪
And something along the lines of "This is the worst country to be a woman" (her) while jumping on a $3000 flight through Dubai. The ignorance and irony, oh my.
Yuck yuck yuck. Can't take ownership anywhere. You were inappropriate because you were inappropriate. Glad these detailed finance postings are public, good job Australia.
I don't even know if it's appropriate to call it a bribe... coz a bribe infers some sort of coercion...
I feel like it's almost money laundering. Like they're converting tithe donations into "honorariums" to absolve themselves of guilt. Because it's a gift, it's not tithe so do what you want with it. Though it's not as if their morals have stopped them misusing tithes in the past.
Koha payments have been used the same way, but I guess they're not culturally competent enough to commit fraud in that way, yet.
Marama Davidson has so much poise and mana. Legend.
I never said bribe - but it's definitely not as simple as an "honorariam". As you say.
💯. I hope Marama Davidson is doing okay.
Pills & Alcohol....Phil and his Comms team really went to pre-Weinstein, Hollywood communication school. ☠️
Yeah, de Jong really let his mate ride easy on that one. Wonder why? So strange.
Counterspin meadow tried to interview Marama but just got words of support for the trans community Done while walking down the street
She was SO unstoppable and solid. Smiling while she walked, too.
Bloody loved it “KA KITE” 👋
Wish I had her level of classy calm.
Don’t we all! She is like a ‘what I wish I had actually said’ highlight reel - absolute force for good 🌟
If only Parker had had the courage to go to therapy to discuss and work through her own personal fears before starting a full blown protest. 😑.
Sadly people like Posey seem to be incapable of self-reflection. And because of that, projection is her subconscious MO.
All my love to our trans community in Australia. And all over the world. As for these “churches”. Not so much.
I know this is only a small issue in relation to the giant heap of hypocrisy, tax evasion, predatory sexual behaviour, bullying, exploitation and do in that surrounds these organisations, but I wonder if income tax was paid on these honoraria? They were payments made in return for a service being performed, just like if you hired a regular PR agency to help hide your clusterfucks. Calling it an honorarium doesn’t mean it’s not subject to tax laws (if I’m wrong then I will be going off a salary and onto an honorarium tomorrow) so if anyone from the NZ IRD reads this can you please check on this for me?
Agree with all - you know that bc it was done in the service of the lord or whomever, that it’ll be free from the sins of tax. I also gotta say the use of the word honorarium illicits the same rage I feel when I hear anyone from the arise church using ‘seasons’. The gaslighting is blinding. Insert several rage emojis and a stick figure rage gif here.
Maybe the word should be ‘dishonorarium’?
Hard agree.
Thanks for your acknowledgment David! For a while now I have been struggling with depression and passive suicide ideation due to my lack of healthcare access - I’m in a waiting pool of about 40 for top surgery (which took a long time and multiple doctors to get on) and now it’s been almost two years. It’s a lotto, rather than a waiting list as all our needs are seen as equal. Life right now feels stuck in limbo, in a "how long can I live in this body that isn’t mine" type of way. Waiting. Life is on hold. Going private costs $25k. If I save for 5 years and use my KiwiSaver I can do it. Trade my future for actually having a life. Outside of my queer circles, the constant misgendering take a toll. Seeing all the negative stuff online takes a toll. Seeing privileged white people spouting hate at minorities and vulnerable communities takes a toll. I feel like the world doesn’t want me.
To see the AMAZING response from NZ has made me feel a little better. It really hammers home that it’s just shitty ignorant fearful people that don’t want me, and because they don’t, that punk side of me flares. "I can stay alive just to rebel against the hate!" A temporary act of defiance, before my feelings slither back. So yeah seeing so many people actively take a stand is so heartwarming. Thank you for your words.
Regarding pastors and medication - I can confirm that the sleeping pill this guy was on is probably Zopiclone (only one we have here that isn’t a benzo) and if you take it in high enough doses (3-4 times the normal) and don’t sleep, it fucks with your judgement on a level alcohol hasn’t dreamed of. I once thought it would be a good idea to scan my butt and send it to my gaming guild. They stopped me. Another time I was practicing bruise SFX makeup on myself when I thought, “Why use makeup when I can do it for real?" And proceeded to punch myself in the face a few times. The bruise was pathetic. Not worth it. Anti-anxieties (in normal dose with alcohol) have gotten me into a situation where I now suffer nerve damage in my dominant arm but that was only 50% my fault.
All this to say, yes, these medications can result in your judgement dissolving into some stupid ass thinking BUT IF YOU ARE TAKING THEM YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY to yourself and others, and he should have known better then engage in that sort of drug use in a social environment, especially where he has leadership. Besides, they aren’t going to make you behave in a way counter to your nature. I have never sexually harassed people or made them uncomfortable in that way - only made a fool of myself, and that is very telling of the person. I can see how it affects his behaviour but it is in absolutely no way an excuse for it. Do fucking better.
No words. Thanks for your openness - it's a dream to have you here, and to have such honest writing. The gathering of so many bodies in Auckland and beyond which really said "we got your back" was a delight to see. Lots of cool people in NZ to counter the bad.
THANKS FOR WRITING THIS! AND KICKING ASS. "It really hammers home that it’s just shitty ignorant fearful people that don’t want me, and because they don’t, that punk side of me flares. "I can stay alive just to rebel against the hate!" A temporary act of defiance, before my feelings slither back. So yeah seeing so many people actively take a stand is so heartwarming. Thank you for your words."
The response blew me away. I didn't know New Zealand could do it. Probably shocked a lot of people.
I hope you have some good supports Jack. The reality of gender affirming care in NZ is pretty bleak sometimes, but there are good organisations out there who really care and will support you however they can.
Thank you Charlotte! 🖤 I have lot’s of social support and I’m in the process of finding a therapist who if not trans themself, is aware and educated in the issues! I really should reach out to my local organisations - they do such good work!
I was enjoying a most welcome autumnal morning in Albert Park yesterday with the loveliest and most diverse of our community, it was peaceful and festive as you'd expect from any GLBTQI+ hooley until, the Destiny mob decided to get involved by endlessly revving their motorbikes and I have since heard about Maramars' assault on a pedestrian crossing (crosswalk) As with Webworms investigative pieces on Megachurch activities, the darkness of religiosity came across strongly yesterday and I was moved by several references to our late Georgina Beyer and what she would have had to say and do, in response to Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull's unwelcome interference.
The biker gang chic of Brian and his band of leather-clad "Christians" is a pretty weird, gross vibe eh. Driving through an MP at a crossing not the classiest affair either.
They should make these people have a take-a-trans-to-coffee day as a sort of community service for driving their motorbikes at Marama. It astounds me that people can just assume malignant intent about strangers based on their appearance or some irrelevant personal detail about them like their gender. If they found out the trans woman in question was a terminally ill cancer patient working as a surgeon at Starship hospital and volunteering for the local soup kitchen on her days off while also running a greyhound rescue facility from her house, do you think they'd reassess their equation that born-with-penis + using-female-public-loos = unhinged rapist?
Thanks for the chuckle! It's such a dumb line that's been run, not least because those dens of danger, women's loos, all seem to have lockable cubicles to allow the rapists to be shut out. At Womad last weekend I strolled past a line of perhaps 30 waiting females and into the Gents. Two minutes later a woman strode in behind me, muttering all sorts of oaths about the other queue, and availed herself of the facilities. No-one batted an eyelid.
I thought "Good on her. That's initiative."
My comment is regarding Posie Parker and her attempt at speaking in NZ. How good is it that we got rid of her and her toxic rhetoric!Trans people are just people - human people - with feelings, emotions, ambitions and dreams. For members of the trans community to be the subject of so much hate makes me mad and sad and I feel it shows a certain level of immaturity to treat people who are different to you with such toxic derision.
And not only people who are different, but people who are actively already at the bottom of the food chain simply fighting for a right to live. If she truely were an ‘activist’ as she claims to be, she would be more productive and fight for the better, not bully minorities. Truly awful.
“…bottom of the food chain…”. What a disgraceful description of decent New Zealanders.
I meant it as a metaphor - the social food chain. By being at the bottom meaning it isn’t until very, very recently our needs and voices are finally being heard and respected. But thanks for calling me decent! 😘
Posey is totally punching down. And if there's one thing us Kiwis hate - even more than tall poppies - it's punching down.
Huge thanks to everyone who turned up in Auckland yesterday. Heard this glorious song on the radio last night - had to find it .
"If you don't say it's wrong then that says it right."
Details matter. I endorse the investigation of the 'investigation' and subsequent 'love offering'