
I fucked up pronouns in this story - amended. No one to blame but me.

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You're probably far too nice and mature for behaviour like this but I certainly laughed out loud like Nelson from The Simpsons.

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Same, Meg, same 😅😅

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“haa haa”

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Yes, I agree! Same here!

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by David Farrier

He fucked around and he found out.

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Really do love that turn of phrase.

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In the words of one of the most delightfully chavtastic British footballers around:

"chat shit, get banged"

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And the podcasting legend Kelechi Okafor. If you haven't watched her "chat shit, get banged" reel on Instagram, I highly highly recommend looking it up. She's awesome.

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Anyone else feeling for Sean Plunket? Because I’m not, especially. I’ve seen that guy scream “fuck you” at a woman, in a room crowded with journalists. It was an ugly moment. I’ve always wondered what makes someone act that way, and what the gulf between their public and more private lives might be.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Sean wouldn't want us to feel kindness and empathy; out of respect I'm holding back my deep wokeness.

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Being in the same room with him is not a good vibe.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by David Farrier

I had my hand in the murky water in the gully trap feeling for what was blocking it. I realize that I may have been feeling for Sean at that time.

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The joy I feel over this makes me feel a LITTLE guilty because I try so hard not to wish people ill, but honestly fuck him.

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Na I reckon you're OK here, it's not like he set up a hospital for sick puppies, he was serving his own interests and now he has to face the consequences 🤷🏻‍♀️ As for feeling joy, well that's just because it looks like justice is being served 😈

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Same! So much schadenfreude this week to ignore - this Plonker plus Bongino & Carlson.

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Oh my GOD I am so glad they are out.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Days since Sean Plunket has been charged with publishing identifiable Family Court documents - 1

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Look on the bright side Sean, this will do wonders for your persecution complex!

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Txts were flying yesterday when story broke here. Fav comment was “I can’t wait for David to wake up!!” 😂🫶🏼

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Was delighted to see the headline the other day and even more delighted to see this email in my inbox. Sometimes bad things happen to bad people. 💕

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Hmm, 3 months in prison or a $2000 fine... why not both for this extra special guy?

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Yep, but he will be tried by his mates, so will get off with a smack on the hand, I be thinking.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Fantastic😅👍 although now he will play the burning martyr😏

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It’s such a strange hill to die on!

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Yep😏 but sadly people like Plunket need to have the last word🙄

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"A member of the media, imprisoned by the state for challenging the orthodoxy."

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That will be his line🙄 but we all know what he really is😏😅

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Shaneel uses they/them pronouns 🙏

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Eternal thanks!

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023Liked by David Farrier

If I believed in Karma this is it.

And on an unrelated subject the FAA has grounded Musk after his rocket flamed out. It seems that raining debris on a town is not welcome. Ah but rocketman claimed that it was a success.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by David Farrier

I hadn't heard about Musk's latest clash with regulatory authorities. Just a minor note, Grahame, I think you mean FAA. A good story of about it at The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/26/23699365/spacex-starship-damage-launch-pad-debris

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Do you have a link to the FCC/Musk news? Couldn't find anything on Google. Blasting debris all over a town 10 miles away was getting a lot heat on Twitter, glad to see Musk is being taken to task and will have to design future rocket launches with flame traps etc (like all previous rocket launches!)

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If for no other reason than it means the thing will launch with 33 engines running, instead of 28 - The launch vehicle was a success in that: it cleared the tower and flew for a bit even with massively off kilter thrust loads because it had engines out because fuckwit said "we dont need those pesky flame trenches and water sprays". Uh, thats the largest rocket ever flown. If it was good enough for Saturn 5 in the damn '60's then it's good enough for you, you turkey.

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I'm surprised how low the fine/ punishment is. This is a serious breach of privacy that goes beyond h Plunkett's vendetta of you..

Definitely needs to be some re-working of laws to avoid the use of vexatious litigation which this whole business sprung from.

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Yeah, the NZ courts aren't always great in handing out appropriate punishment. Totally unrelated in all ways, but this was a sad one to read: https://www.stuff.co.nz/bay-of-plenty/300860879/woman-paralysed-with-anxiety-after-youth-group-groomers-prison-sentence-overturned?cid=app-iPhone

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Yes. Misuse of suppression orders is another one of New Zealand's legal issues that needs fixing. in relation to another case I'm aware of another rich-lister who has avoided his name being released. This despite multiple sexual offences and a term of imprisonment. What's even more unfair is that the people he involved at a lower level were not given the same privilege. New Zealand justice is not at all consistent. I'm being a bit vague to avoid legalities but it is an open secret in some circles.

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It's a pity that we'll likely never get to know the factual background to how Sean got the family court details due to the Family Court secrecy provisions.

I've always thought it was fairly obvious that it was Organ who did those clumsy felt-pen redactions to a photocopy of the family court order - which only he had at that point since neither of the respondents had been served.

I imagine Sean demanded those photos as proof that David was indeed named in a genuine order to satisfy himself that he was safe from obviously defaming David. Sean isn't stupid. When Sean was tweeting the allegations and nobody was believing him, I think Sean got frustrated with his twitter critics and impulsively posted the photo's to 'own them' which I don't think Organ actually wanted.

Organ appears to be the 'cold calculating anger' type, whereas Sean is more the 'hot impulsive anger' type. They've reportedly both done some pretty anti-social things (i.e. bullying) but appear to have quite different internal psychology. So I think Organ and Plunket both misread each other.


I suspect Organ chose Sean because he knew his intense dislike for David would mean Sean wouldn't dig too deeply into the accuser. But it would appear Sean's impulsiveness and very low tolerance for criticism meant Organ then lost control of his 'useful idiot'.


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I do think it's sort of amazing in all this that Organ faces exactly zero consequences in all this - he played Sean so easily - and Sean is here to face up for the chaos that ultimately Organ (allegedly) caused.

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Indeed. Organ is very practiced at what we might call 'persecution from the victim position'. Find a way to pretend to be the 'victim' and then enlist others to 'rescue' you and hence co-opt the social system to persecute others. It's a particularly nasty form of the dynamics of Karpman's drama triangle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karpman_drama_triangle

His clamping was another clear example of that. Playing the victim and then persecuting people. I imagine he greatly enjoyed the fact that when the police showed up, they too were helpless and had to defend him as he was intentionally persecuting them too.

All successful repeat abusers discover this tactic. Being an obvious persecutor who escalates from targeting marginalised individuals on the fringes of society to people who have the social resources to fight back eventually catches you out. You can see that with Organ since while he managed to play the judge and skate out of court the first time, it snared him the second time. And he's still very clearly fixated on that, talking about appealing to the Supreme Court and clearing his name.

The other issue is that consequences for Organ would involve acknowledging that a Family Court Judge was outsmarted by a convicted con man. Organ is unlikely to obviously perjure himself again since that's what got him caught before.

Rather I imagine he lied by omission, letting the judge draw false conclusions from what was selectively presented without correcting him. We can imagine the Judge seeing a story of elder abuse and wanting to protect the clearly damaged victim in front of him and that moral outrage meant they didn't dig deeper into who the real abuser is.

Since this is the very legal system that is intended to protect victims from abusers, being played like this is embarrassing for the court to acknowledge and Organ knows that. He's persecuting the court system from the victim position too, getting back at them for convicting him.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by David Farrier

Quite possibly Organ felt he’d found a useful idiot in Plunket, while simultaneously Plunket felt he’d found a useful idiot in Organ. That went well.

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I think those two were a match made in heaven. Like zombie fungus finding an ant!


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Apr 27, 2023Liked by David Farrier

The world's gone soft and woke, can't anyone breach the family court these days without being cancelled? Bluhbluhbluhbluh

Eat a bag Sean

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