Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

scoundrels always tryin to get a bud to trot around and pay money for this way instead of reminding others they can take a trot for free and clear their mind with some fresh air. dont need an app leading them off a cliff. sounds like devils are tryin to sell back something that buds already hold inside their hearts for a dang PREMIUM thank you for writing this important article buckaroo david

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Mr Tingle - it's nice to see you here. I totally agree - all this stuff is free. It's almost like when you commodify a thing and put a price on it, people suddenly *value* it. It's very very... dumb (sorry, I am not a wordsmith like yourself! I just go with "dumb")

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

If anyone wants to dig deeper into this on a technical than I've been able to, here are some starting points:

Lengfelder linked to this page of papers he hand-waves as being proof or something. The non-specific claim is that Randonautica is taking advantage of Mind Matter Interaction - https://coreinvention.com/technology/papers/

It's unclear to me if he's claiming they've actually directly implemented any of the concepts outlined in any of the papers, but from my quick reading it seems unlikely given the vagueness of the papers and the technical complexity of what they are suggesting. And even if they were doing exactly as the papers suggest, it's still a very long bow to draw from "human mental activity can slightly alter the distribution of random data" to "our software reads minds and directs you to where the universe needs you to go"

From a more directly technical point of view, here is a GitHub repo of the decompiled source code of an earlier version of the Randonautica app - I've browsed it a little, but not fully. What I did find was a bunch of calls to the standard Android random number generator, nothing that suggested any quantum level entropy affected by mental intent... https://github.com/protonc0der19/randonautica

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Sep 6, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Sorry, late to the party, but these papers are comically bogus. You'll notice most of them are authored by a Scott Wilber and are not published in peer-reviewed journals. Furthermore, the claims are essentially just a form of ESP. They are said to be "observed, tested and studied for decades by laboratories around the world resulting in overwhelming evidence of its existence", with this being supported by citations of books. Nothing wrong with books. But, they are not peer-reviewed scientific journals, and no scientist worth their salt would think to credential such a claim with book citations.

Wilber's CV reads a bit like a Anna Wilding story (https://comscire.com/files/gov/Scott_A_Wilber_CV.pdf). Perhaps the Biox company claims are real, but the Wiki page for that also reads a little like some we've seen over recent times.. Anyway, long story short, calling the randonautica claims utter garbage would be doing a disservice to garbage..

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Bro don't ask for positive reviews, get them using your MIND MAGIK

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mInD mAgicK

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Is this just The Secret but in app form? Don't bother answering, David, I'll manifest the answer myself.

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Oh it is, yep. God bless you, Oprah

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I really miss Get In The Sea.

As for the app. I'm always amazed at otherwise sensible people who get sucked in to this kind of stuff, even innocuous facebook shares with golden turtles or lucky cats.

I'm also aware acutely of how the modern world sews us into a vicious circle of material, emotional and psychological problems which, when it is circling your neck, causes even the staunch atheist to utter a prayer to a cold unheeding universe. I guess I've learnt that if I have problem only I can fix it, but I can understand why apps like this appeal. A seemingly fun, magical solution to all your problems. I'd take it, if I thought for a second it was real, but prayers are seldom answered.

My grandad, an engineer, used to say 'Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills the quickest'

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"Get into the sea" and "get into the bin" are my personal favs. Love to whip those ones out.

Also: your grandpa rules.

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There was a Get In The Sea twitter account which was just the best, it was good for the soul, they put every insufferable arsehole in the sea. Loved it. No shortage of arseholes so must use both of those more.

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

The main scientific principle behind Randonautica: there's one born every minute.

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Did The Cure predict this and write a song about it?

“Into the sea

You and me

All these years and no one heard

I'll show you in spring

It's a treacherous thing

"We missed you", hissed the lovecats”

This and more revelations on my app, ~Psychic lyrics~ available on the AppStore for 9.99.

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Oh man. The having to pay to not end up in the ocean bit just kills me. Also what always makes me a bit sad is that before the internet I don’t feel that snake-oil salesmen like this had quite the reach they now do with technology. It’s just so lucrative no wonder there’s so much exploitation like this.

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It's almost too much, right? Dylan came across that the second he installed the app. Very very funny. Also, I just picture Dylan wading into the ocean to find his destiny. It's good stuff.

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Legitimately the first point it suggested... I can see that spot from my house though, so I did try to survey from the balcony with binoculars. I saw nothing of note... Perhaps I need to get my wetsuit out?

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

This is why I love this webworm, I've never even heard of this app! It's some ballsy made up nonsense though, also his interactions with Dylan and yourself just shout out legitimate business model! I went on the founders twitter and the first tweet is about healing through laying hands and prayer...the grift is strong in this one! I just feel sorry for those they suck in, it's so easily done when they play on people's emotions and hopes with this type of ethereal rubbish.

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I am blocked so alas cannot easily see his rants anymore, but yes - it's loosey goosey stuff! And I am glad you like Webworm's various diversions into insanity!

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dear lawd ...... if I could use my MIND magic to change things, this lot - and scammers like them - would have been obliterated from existence long ago. Science my arse.

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

When I heard about the app it reminded me of the second season of The OA and the app they “play”. Which is to say the only way it could do what it says it does is for it to be fictional. The best random gps app is GeoGuessr (though I just do the desktop version)

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It's very OA. The thing with the OA - a beautiful and surreal story, shot wonderfully. Great score, too. Randonautica - none of these things.

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Jun 23, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Is it surprising that you get sent into the sea when the name contains "nautica"? In contrast to *geo* caching which (mostly) sticks to solid ground ;)

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I’ve done it before (with some woo-ier friends), and it was fun, but I went into it knowing it was just geocaching. Any significance was significance we imposed upon it ourselves. I was pretty much in the “what’s the harm” camp, but now that I know they’re CHARGING for it? That’s not OK.

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I think you went in with the correct attitude! A bit of fun!

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Jun 19, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Sigh...just another grifter exploiting vulnerable people. It annoys me when scientific language is used to make something sound legit. It never ceases to amaze me what some people will believe when they hear some sciencey words "Quantum entropy! Mind matter interactions! Wow it must be true!"

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Jun 17, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Hahaha the world really is mad! Lol. Yeah because such amazing 'science' would totally just be freely available on a tinny app for joe bloggs and jane smith to find their lost cat.......it DEFINITELY wouldn't be patented by the physicist who discovered it and there's no way it would be confiscated by governments to fight crime and achieve political ends...

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Jun 18, 2021Liked by David Farrier

He’s a virtual snake oil salesman.

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