Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Was it maybe Omicron?

How is your taste and smell?

Are you still in quarantine?

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Well played!

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I was never anti-vax but I resisted the flu shot for a number of years, thinking it was unnecessary. That is until I caught a particularly nasty strain (wasn’t tested but I have a suspicion it was H1N1) and honestly thought it would end me. I had never been so sick in my entire life. That was my wake up call and I’ve never missed a flu shot since. Even after a doctor once accidentally hit a nerve in my shoulder with the needle and I had limited use of my arm for 3 months. Anti-vaxxers talk about vaccine injury as a deterrent for getting one but I fear the disease much more than any potential injury from the jab.

Glad to hear you’re feeling better!

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This is embarrassing to say but I was never a big flu shot person either. I rethought this a few years ago. So yeah - in a way I understand the herd mentality which is so, so damaging. Glad you are okay - and also glad you think differently now!

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I used to be anti-flu vaccine as well thinking that natural immunity was better. Once I received the facts and caught a bout of the flu, I’ve been vigilant about vaccines since.

Getting sick isn’t fun and there’s a ton more things that I’d rather be doing than lying in bed with a fever from hell, though my cats seem to enjoy when I’m forced to spend the entire day in bed hanging out with them.

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This and this.

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Also, I have SIRVA from my covid vax (the shoulder nerve injury), just coming right. I haven’t felt able to tell anyone about it because of the anti-vax brigade jumping on every little thing… so I’ve just been pretending there’s nothing wrong. But ow! It really hurts, doesn’t it?

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I read some horror stories on the internet about people suffering from SIRVA and just about fell into a depression thinking I’ll have a bum arm for the rest of my life. But you are right to keep your injury a secret, anti-vaxxers don’t need more reasons to refuse the shot. Glad to hear you’re on the mend!

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H1N1 is a nasty bug! My sister caught it in London pre 2010 and was in a medically induced coma in ICU for 3 weeks before recovering

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OMG, your poor sister! Glad to hear she recovered.

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Same here - I caught a really bad flu strain this time of year back in 2016 and I seriously didn't know if I was ever going to get better again. I've never missed a flu shot but I think if I hadn't had that year's shot I'd have either ended up in the hospital or worse.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I hope you come right soon, and thank you for telling us all what it's like. Having Covid is still so much of a strange concept to many of us in Aotearoa so a first hand account of it is so valuable. Take good care of yourself, and I hope that when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, you can also smell whether it's from a wood fire or a kerosene lamp!

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Thanks Jay. It was a weird surprise - and I just wish my booster had been due a week earlier!

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I wish you the swiftest of recoveries! Seeing as it's your personal story, here's my personal appreciation - getting covid after vaccination is going to be NZs reality. I feel reassured by your experience, and the facts you've provided to demonstrate that for many of us, covid will be manageable. We need stories like yours, alongside the stories from unvaccinated people who catch covid, to demonstrate the importance of vaccines for anyone still on the fence.

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Thanks heaps. And yeah - I think people just getting Covid will become a thing. So keeping up boosters is vital - like getting the flu shot. I should add - despite now having natural immunity - I will still be getting my booster as that still helps WAY MORE than what I got from getting Covid (sad, but true!)

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Oh gosh, what a relief you're ok - and indeed vaccinated. I have so many friends in the UK who've had it - some have it right now. Most vaccinated: one was not, but he has survived and is now getting the jab.

We are the covid innocent here in Aotearoa, right? Few of us know kiwis who've had it, let alone died from it; most of us haven't crossed paths with it at all. Most of rest of the world does so every single day, but we've still got all that ahead of us. Or maybe not, if the plan works, and wouldn't that be great? But I think it's going to take me a while to pluck up the courage to travel overseas.

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Yeah - NZ is very much in a dreamland - which is an amazing privilege, in a way. But that will slowly shit, so yeah it's just so vital to play it safe - and encouraging to see vax rates soar in certain places - and sad to see places that aren't. Covid ain't gonna sleep!

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Glad you have come through the worst of it David, and glad you are vaccinated so your body was somewhat prepared, not quite sure any of us could face a world with no David Farrier :) Thanks for sharing your experience and well done for managing to edit and get your last newsletters out during the worst of it! Hope you're out and furnishing your place soon.

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My brain was genuinely sluggish on this one. Fortunately last few days the brain is back to speed again. Viva la vaccine!

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Yay! That’s great to read. Yes absolutely viva la vaccine.

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I'm so pleased your dance with the devil was brief and relatively smooth! As someone with one of those pesky chronic health conditions, I am PETRIFIED of catching Covid. What can you do?

All my very best wishes for ongoing recovery and rude good health x

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Thanks heaps. And please just stay safe. I got it in such an undramatic way: a car ride with a full vaxxed person. So yeah - stay boosted, keep the mask on, and just act sanely. An annoying world to live in, but hey - at least we have the option of protection, right?

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I hear you Archives Rock *hugs* ❤️ I too am one of the vulnerable, and one positive thing about covid is I’ve learnt a lot about some of the medication I’m on - I never really understood why my specialist would pester me to get a flu vax each year (which I ignored 😳) but I now understand that one of the meds is an immune suppressant. Got my covid vaxes as fast as I could and gonna get the booster too. I know I’ll get it at some point, but I just have to hope that that I’ll be protected enough… It’s pretty saddening the number of times you see the comments that it’s ‘only killing old and sick people’ - nice to know you all think I should just die 🧐😭

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I’m glad the “yes, you have covid” text comes with reassuring words. It’s interesting to see the little details of what happens, so thanks for this.

Next time you’re in mortal peril let us know though. As a community we can email you cat pictures.

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If they were chucking me on an incubator I promise I would have looped you in earlier! Thanks, Mothy x

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Thanks for sharing your experience David, so glad you are feeling better. It was really interesting to hear what the illness felt like since it really could happen to any of us despite our best efforts to avoid it. Thank goodness for vaccinations.

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I hope my experience further clears up a few things. And I just added to this piece - about how booster shots are still vital, even after you caught Covid.

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I read this standing at the train station using the tote bag. People have already dropped off the scanning except where compulsory so I’m avoiding large crowds for a while. After moving to Wellington from Auckland just before the end of the L3 part of lockdown it’s quite amazing how relaxed it all is here. I wish ‘mild covid’ on anyone who catches it. That’s the point though eh - not everyone will have such a successful encounter.

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Oh yay, the tote is present! LYB got those things out so quick - another reason I am so glad I teamed up with them on this!

And yeah - it's amazing how relaxed people get. In a small way I guess I hope this newsletter is a tiny little reminder - although I assume a lot of readers here are already doing the right stuff.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Random question for the Webworm community - what quirky or outdated habit do you still find yourself following, that you've inherited from your generation?

Mine is the strange fear/shame of undergarments showing through clothing, like wearing a black bra with a white T-shirt, or showing a bra strap while wearing a tank top. It was extremely uncouth to do so back when I was a teenager. Like heaven FORBID people know what colour your underwear is (gasp).

Only thought of that as I am planning to wear a black bra with my nice new white Webworm cat T-shirt tomorrow. And I'll do so without worrying about what people think of the bra showing through LOL.

Am I weird or do other people have hangups like this as well they have to challenge??

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Ha! I think it's time to wear the shit outta that bra under your white tee! I think I've thrown most of the things that bugged me - for me it probably involves pant lengths and how much sock and leg to show. I think whatever I am doing in that department I am always out of touch!

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Golly. What struck me actually was that you were paying for tests, and that there seems to be different tests depending on affordability. Here testing is free. I am glad you are better. And ups to Jay whose comments are always worth reading. I enjoy reading material posted here by people who write more vanilla stuff elsewhere, like Dylan and Hayden. It may be that people can be more honest here

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If you want quick results it's definitely - in LA at least - the area of the privileged.

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Karen…assuming you are NZ …testing isn’t always free. If you are getting a pre travel test OR or you want a saliva test from Rako (because the governments not supporting them) or if you want a rapid antigen …..$$$

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

I’m so glad you’re feeling better, David. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I can’t imagine how you felt seeing the positive test result. I’m looking forward to getting my booster on Sunday (12/12), and I’m back to wearing masks indoors in public places. I really don’t trust anyone at this point.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Firstly, I'm so glad to hear you are recovering and beyond the worst of it. Second, your piece read like every example I have given to help people understand the importance of quarantining, monitoring for symptoms, and testing 3-5 days after exposure (thank you for your diligence) even if you feel fine at first.

I work in the disability service field in Massachusetts, and we are facing an absurd workforce crisis. Our residential group homes want to send members to day programs because they have no staff to support them at the homes, but they do so at the expense of following quarantine protocols and that can lead to outbreaks and deaths. I argue with people daily about the need to follow these procedures, and I still lose sleep about the times we failed the people we serve. I have lost track of the names and numbers of people I have served that we have lost to this virus. I don't see how I'll ever forgive myself for not fighting harder for safer conditions, longer closures of programs, state level advocacy, salary increases for the high risk work my employees do, faster access to vaccines and testing for the people I serve.... I used to be a warm person. I feel very cold these days.

Thank you for sharing your experience, and cultivating a community where people can share their experiences as well. There will be warmer days. Best, Jess

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Oh Jess, you are out there doing God's work (if I believed in God). You are doing good work.

The mere fact you're writing in this way shows me you have some warmth left - so hold onto that. But it sounds like the most frustrating, cyclical, fucking annoying trap to be in.

Thinking of you.

You can only push so much and it sounds like that's EXACTLY what you are doing. Don't be too hard on yourself. Please.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Glad to hear you’re feeling a lot better. I hope coffee isn’t still terrible for you. I had my booster yesterday and apart from a sore arm I feel great!

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Go the booster! Fuckin a. Good job.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Hold on hold on hold on. How was Flaming Lips and Danzig!?

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Really good :)

It was at Psychofest in Vegas - and the joy of Flaming Lips playing a metal fest is that that stage was QUIET - so I got to see one of my fav bands, in person, up SO close!

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