There is so much that is troubling here. Speaking as a therapist, I find Megan’s description of the company organised ‘group therapy’ sessions very disturbing. It’s great when companies genuinely want to empower their staff and used trained facilitators or counsellors for team-building - I’ve done that kind of thing in the past myself and it can be really beneficial to team and individual satisfaction - everyone wins. It’s an entirely different and profoundly unethical practice if that company arranged work includes any kind of exercise that brings up personal disclosure or trauma which it clearly sounded like this did. That puts the employees is a really difficult position which is not OK at all. It would be a breach of both of the NZAP and NZAC code of ethics and the Health and Disability Code https://www.hdc.org.nz/your-rights/the-code-and-your-rights/ Any service offered by someone that claims a therapeutic benefit falls under the HDC code, whether the counsellor or facilitator thinks so or not.

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Dec 1, 2020Liked by David Farrier

For next semester at uni I have a class called "The Deep State: Conspiracy Theories About Power, Evil And Democracy From JFK To 9/11, Trump and QAnon" with one of the leading conspiracy theory professors in the world, and I feel so lucky that you, David, are doing half my work with this blog. Keep it up, and I'm not just saying that because you're gonna make my course easier 😌

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Dec 1, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Two comments I'd lke to make:

All fashion is exploitative in one way or another, usually in many ways. Beyond the waste of natural resources and the often risible wages, are the facts that fashion exploits the buyer. They aim at people's lack of strength. "My fashion will make you beautiful/important/one of the same crowd as the rich and (in)famous/make you feel you are not a greedy consumer/let you feel you are 'giving back'." In fact there is a very, very simple way to help the planet: don't buy stuff, particularly new stuff. Beauty is found far more in someone's attitude to life and facial expressions, than in the fit of their lingerie or the brand of their jeans. If you follow fashion you have been conned (even if you do it 'just for fun').

Why do people bother to try to have conversations with these idiots in the first place? Anyone who can believe that Hillary Clinton eats babies or that WHO is owned by Bill Gates and the Chinese Government (actually, it was unclear as to whether Bill Gates owns the Chinese Government, too: correct grammar and conspiracy theories rarely go together), is so obviously barking that why waste your time?

If you really want to buy products from a company that is trying to improve the way they do things and to take care of their employees, I suggest you patronise Unilever.

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Dec 1, 2020Liked by David Farrier

This was particularly gold for the Armchaired and Dangerous link. Go for the Lizards, stay for Dax and Monica's beautiful take on them. Always rated Dax as a human, love the chemistry and the compassion. The way David Farrier explains the theories and the respect with which people are treated during the discussions of even the most out there theories is a great lesson in how to deal with those whose brains seem prone to this kind of belief /manipulation. A master class.

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Dec 1, 2020Liked by David Farrier

They used a Kardashian to promote their brand of ‘inclusivity’? Someone get me a bucket.

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by David Farrier

Turns out today is the day Lonely decided the dust had settled on this whole saga. I received my first subsriber email since this all came out. Will be interesting to see where they go from here/not interested at all and immediately unsubscribed.

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Chiropractors are NOT MEDICAL DOCTORS. It is a pseudoscience that is more focused on selling shady supplements than actually helping their patients. Stay as far away from them as possible.

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Dec 1, 2020Liked by David Farrier

I feel sick to my stomach at the very suggestion Jacinda may have been involved in the Christchurch terror attacks... Lunacy in its highest form. I had to stop reading after that 😢😱😰

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Dec 1, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Really enjoyed this! Have missed a few articles thanks to a really bloody stressful week so I’ve had a little catch up and you never disappoint! Also enjoyed your podcast with Armchair Experts, again this was a nice little way to de stress, so I hope you have an amazing week! Keep being you 💖

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