I’ve been here since the beginning and Webworm has been a bit of mental refuge. I read it during the depths of covid, in the hospital while waiting for my son to be born, in the middle of dozens of boring work meetings. The eclectic mix of articles and the community around it has been such a breath of fresh air compared to most internet places.
This comments makes me want to cry. Really. Thank you, Jesse. Happy to save you from the pains of waiting for a new life to emerge, and for painful work sessions.
Webworm, how do I love thee? So many ways, but chiefly for your courage, clear sightedness and kindness. From the beginning, the community, has felt like a safe place where I can trust the printed word once more. Fucking love to see your name in lights. So very well deserved.
And if not in lights, at least listed on a website :P
I do feel really happy about it - especially as many of those media organisations in the list used a lot of my Arise stuff with no references back to Webworm. Call me petty, but it felt nice to see the silly word "WEBWORM" listed alongside TVNZ etc.
Woohoo! Happy birthday Webworm! I subscribed following your Mr Organe film screening and QA in Matakana. You have been in some crazy spots David, and we appreciate the pickles you get yourself into while following a web or real worm. I agree with all of the above. This is a lovely space to hang out. Thank you for all you do. I appreciate your brain. 🥂
Congratulations David! Your work makes me happy and sad and angry and all sorts of other emotions, but it's the only journalism that doesn't make my eyes bleed and my soul wither so thank you for that. To infinity and beyond!
Happy anniversary and thank you! You've taken us from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. We've been repulsed (cannibal, Arise church, cream pie), to hysterical giggling (squirrel). You're so relatable and easy reading/listening and you're always solid on ethics. Glad to see your work being recognised with awards and accolades. Love from the Vickers whānau x
Haha yes, marketing 101! But glad you found some stuff in there that was fun. I am very serious when I say flip back to the free list if this ever becomes a burden. You've already helped. So thank you!
Please please please share your news about being nominated directly with those gas lighters who tried to discredit you calling your work a “blog”, while dodging your and Hayden’s questions. 😆
I look forward to your emails each week, they really bring life into perspective (pun unintended). Your writing style is uniquely yours and idk if you intentionally craft them that way but the funny parts crack me up like no other writing pieces.
You’ve got so many of us rooting for you to take the win on those awards. Keep doing what you’re doing David, you’re awesome!
Congrats David and Happy 3rd Birthday. I've been around for quite a while trying to figure out the whole platform thing and have supported you, initially as you happened to appear....and then by subscribing. I'm just a left leaning midwife, wife, mum and nana still trying to make sense of the world and all who live in it. I find your life lens both intriguing and enlightening, and your space kind, cozy and interesting. Keep on keeping on, and thank you for being you.
I’ve been here since the beginning and Webworm has been a bit of mental refuge. I read it during the depths of covid, in the hospital while waiting for my son to be born, in the middle of dozens of boring work meetings. The eclectic mix of articles and the community around it has been such a breath of fresh air compared to most internet places.
This comments makes me want to cry. Really. Thank you, Jesse. Happy to save you from the pains of waiting for a new life to emerge, and for painful work sessions.
You rule.
The community here rules.
Hear, hear, Jesse
THANK YOU for all the nice comments here. Wowsers.
Thank you.
Three years, wow, hard to fathom! I wanted to share my personal favorites, though you listed most of them:
-Keith the Hellparrot
-Adventures with Anna Wilding
-Hannibal, duh (note to David to check out the Hanniversary stuff by some OG Fannibals in Fangoria and Nerdist if you haven't seen it)
And a special shout out to Paul Wilson, from whom I've learned so much!
My favorite that you didn't include here is your pitch for the never-produced TV series American Cult. I shared excerpts from this with my therapist!
I would also like to formally request some anniversary merch :)
Oh, I totally forgot about the Cult pitch! Even I get lost in it all! So - thanks.
(PS: Keith the hellparrot is such a funny term)
Your undisputedly best work happens after you’ve been called a c*nt.
Much love for three years, here’s to many more multiples of three to come!
Nothing is more regrettable than telling DF to do some real journalism
Have a deranged bitch birthday you grub
The ALL CAPS - are you secretly Anna Wilding?
As always - a catchy, succinct and entertaining comment from one of my favourite commenters. Thanks, Plague Craig! :-)
Always a pleasure never a chore
Oh yay! So much great stuff to revisit this weekend! Thank you.
I got in a bit early last Sunday, but all my sentiment still holds. Webworm is one of my favourite places.
Your generosity, kindness and curiosity in writing is second to none.
This community has been a source of hope, comfort, support and even shared despair so many times.
Its magic, its unique and its YOU David. We are so lucky for you.
Thank you so much and congratulations on what you have created, sustained and grown. Fucking rad.
Webworm, how do I love thee? So many ways, but chiefly for your courage, clear sightedness and kindness. From the beginning, the community, has felt like a safe place where I can trust the printed word once more. Fucking love to see your name in lights. So very well deserved.
And if not in lights, at least listed on a website :P
I do feel really happy about it - especially as many of those media organisations in the list used a lot of my Arise stuff with no references back to Webworm. Call me petty, but it felt nice to see the silly word "WEBWORM" listed alongside TVNZ etc.
Congratulations on the nominations. You deserve to win after legacy media copied your homework throughout the entire saga.
Woohoo! Happy birthday Webworm! I subscribed following your Mr Organe film screening and QA in Matakana. You have been in some crazy spots David, and we appreciate the pickles you get yourself into while following a web or real worm. I agree with all of the above. This is a lovely space to hang out. Thank you for all you do. I appreciate your brain. 🥂
Thanks for finding me here! It's my main home and as other projects come and go, Webworm will always stay!
Congratulations David! Your work makes me happy and sad and angry and all sorts of other emotions, but it's the only journalism that doesn't make my eyes bleed and my soul wither so thank you for that. To infinity and beyond!
Happy anniversary and thank you! You've taken us from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. We've been repulsed (cannibal, Arise church, cream pie), to hysterical giggling (squirrel). You're so relatable and easy reading/listening and you're always solid on ethics. Glad to see your work being recognised with awards and accolades. Love from the Vickers whānau x
Thanks, Aimee. Your comment made me lol a lot.
Consider my fancy tickled! I was a free subscriber but after I read David's list of greatest hits I had to upgrade. Marketing at its best lol.
Haha yes, marketing 101! But glad you found some stuff in there that was fun. I am very serious when I say flip back to the free list if this ever becomes a burden. You've already helped. So thank you!
Happy Webwormversary!!
Please please please share your news about being nominated directly with those gas lighters who tried to discredit you calling your work a “blog”, while dodging your and Hayden’s questions. 😆
I look forward to your emails each week, they really bring life into perspective (pun unintended). Your writing style is uniquely yours and idk if you intentionally craft them that way but the funny parts crack me up like no other writing pieces.
You’ve got so many of us rooting for you to take the win on those awards. Keep doing what you’re doing David, you’re awesome!
Being listed alongside the media orgs who refused to mention my work feels good :)
Hooray to three, webworm! 🎉💓🎉
The only place I ever read the comments section. Thank you for crafting carefully considered discussion.
It's glorious here, right?
Congrats David and Happy 3rd Birthday. I've been around for quite a while trying to figure out the whole platform thing and have supported you, initially as you happened to appear....and then by subscribing. I'm just a left leaning midwife, wife, mum and nana still trying to make sense of the world and all who live in it. I find your life lens both intriguing and enlightening, and your space kind, cozy and interesting. Keep on keeping on, and thank you for being you.
Lyn - thanks for being here - you are an old school Webwormer! So thank you. Really.