Jul 13, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Do you think that when old mate Donald disappears in January (Yes, I'm calling it now) and stops giving them air, they will crawl back into their Doomesday bunkers for another 8 years? Or will they double down with all the extra Democrats to blame things on ? Man, even as I type that I already know the answer.

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It seems counter-intuitive that conspiracies abound when things are at their worst. I would have thought that a good conspiracy would take flight when everything else is ok, just to get the adrenaline flowing. But what we face now is awfully serious. Yeats with his "centre cannot hold" was onto something. All that has anchored us to some form of common understanding is coming apart and the line between fact and fantasy is getting mighty fuzzy. Speech is free, but it shouldn't be cheap. Say whatever comes into your head and someone, somewhere will believe its true and before you know it, it's true enough to shape the world around it. When churches give pedophilia their blessing and children are trafficked around the world, why not put your own spin on it? A few trending hashtags and one's sad, disillusioned life can mean something. I think some people are thinking way too much about the children and not in a good way. David, thank you for the quality of your output.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by David Farrier

JUST as I was reading this I received a text from my work friends whatsapp group asking if anyone had heard about this (i.e. the Wayfair scandal) and had any thoughts on the validity of the claims. For background you should know that we all work for a global corporate giant that bases everything it does in science. We work with literally the most talented scientists in the world and regularly host Nobel laureates. This friend group has made fun of every ridiculous conspiracy theory thus far until now. What is happening.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Conspiracies feed on our ignorance! Each sharing creates a longer and more damaging chain, If only people would think twice before pressing 'share'..

Long live the kittens' posts and good morning sentences my aunt shares every day! More cats less scary fakes

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by David Farrier

I had just read this having managed to avoid #wayfairgate all weekend (great read by the way!) and then immediately went on Instagram to see a young influencer touting it as gospel. Makes me want to scream!!

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by David Farrier

thank you for so eloquently laying out what i’ve been thinking since learning about pizzagate and its “lol u thought that was crazy? just wait” offspring qanon. if people truly care about children who are victims of human trafficking, then stop detracting from the attention on the *actual* victims.

another fun bonus built into the qanon rhetoric is the ability to accuse anyone who suggests that q is preposterous of being a pedophile/pedophile sympathizer.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Omg I can't believe you posted this today. No joke earlier today I was hoping the Wayfair shit would be your next piece. Not in a good mental place to absorb it now but will thoroughly enjoy later!

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I was doing ok until you mention A Serbian Film, thenthe flashbacks to watching it started. Its been years and i still havent recovered from watching it.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by David Farrier

The whole wayfair thing wound up on my social network feed through someone I'd previously thought was at least reading what they were posting prior to doing so, someone who also has a relatively broad reach. It's crazy how quick this tripe takes flight too and before you know it has evolved and is believed by way too many people.

Whilst not exactly what this is about I think that, more than ever recently, people trying to share things for the right reason are ending up doing more harm than good by refusing to read around it properly. That and the fact people really love to be outraged, even if it has no logical chance of being real. A delve into the comments of that post were pretty worrying too. Anyway, conspiracy theories like this blow my freaking mind.

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Whats weird to me is how much it seems like a game from the outside. Like it's heavily social and relies on reinforcement from other participants and I guess what you could call a suspension of disbelief. And it seems like the way people play is by drawing tenuous connections between unrelated things and receiving positive feedback in return. And we can't rely on traditional methods of debunking false claims through education as thats viewed as evidence of the conspiracy in itself.

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“It’s much less bad-Hollywood-movie, and infinitely more horrible than the vague brushstrokes put forward by the QAnon faithful.” This part!!

And these conspiracy theories are taking away from real world problems. If only the energy spent on conspiracy theories was used for real issues.

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If you're interested in a deep dive on "modern day slavery" I highly recommend the podcast You're Wrong About and their Human Trafficking episode. Spoiler: it's bad, but not in the way you think!

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Why is our world dominated by insolent,offensive,Dilusional, Idiots ?

I have a conspiracy : our world has a majority when it comes to the people who fit that colorful list of adjectives i furnished above .

I doubt something like that will pick up any hype , i wonder if that is because its. . i dont know.... The truth !

Thank you so much for covering this David , i hope someone has an eye opening moment after reading it. There will be one less problematic person that way ..

Stay safe ❤

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it’s so frustrating to see other people my age (quite young) spreading this QAnon shit and still claiming to be “progressive”! It’s an alt right group that is absolutely insane! There are actually children being sex trafficked all over the world and we are gonna use our energy on this shit!

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TLDW of Patriot Act's episode on the death of newspapers (https://youtu.be/icNirsV1rLA): local newspapers make up 25% of media in the US, but produce 47% of original news stories. They have been unmatched at exposing sex offenders, including paedophiles (Catholic church, Boston Globe; Jeffrey Epstein, Miami Herald). Private equity firms are picking clean whatever carcass the internet has left. Do the owners of these private equity firms have anything to hide? 😉

Once again, the current generation of conspiracy theorists deny the work of experts ("stop listening to MSM, sheeple"), then think they are doing their work in their place, but so utterly shoddily. It's the same with the antivaxxers. 😥

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"Where there is smoke ... there is the knowing of fire. The set of the situation is here lateralised by non legally binding media stories ... the real evidence can usually be found in our very own postcodes. This post DARPA/CERN Internet is being used here as a 'Fabian method' of warfare ... divide & conquer by rumor & identity politics &c ... "sly-psi" in long chain kronos-webs &c. #cyberiangulagdeluxe " ~umvstrafficking

(this is also my reply to another post here)

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