🥹 Calvin's understanding of this movie is so sweet. I can't wait to hear his next review.

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They are long movies for a kid, but he seems really into it. I can't wait as well!

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Holy moly!! The end of that recording is the absolute best! Thank you for sharing this and brightening my day! Thanks Calvin for your review! :)

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His brain. His BRAIN!

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Right!?! You can tell that his brain is going a million miles a minute. Please tell Wobby Wob that he and his wife are doing a wonderful job parenting! :)

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In unrelated news your story about AI leading to monkey torture revealed an awful truth, so I was delighted to hear someone is being prosecuted 👇 https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/may/07/british-woman-admits-global-monkey-torture-network

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Fuckin a. Great stuff!

"A British woman has pleaded guilty to being part of a global monkey torture network.

Holly LeGresley, 37, from Kidderminster in Worcestershire, admitted uploading 22 images and 132 videos of monkeys being tortured to an online chat group.

She was charged after an investigation by the BBC into the torture of monkeys overseas. The investigation exposed a global network involving a private online group paying people in Indonesia to kill and torture baby monkeys on video."

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That is some good news!

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Like you, David, I've never seen these movies. When I listened to Flightless Bird yesterday, not only did I think Calvin's review of the movie was adorable, but for first time, I had a good idea of what it was about. Way to go, Calvin!!

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Petition for Armchair Expert to start a new show where Calvin reviews movies lol.

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I may steal him for Webworm! He's too good.

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Loved Calvin on the Pies ep. Instant smile inducing cuteness.Its a rainy gloomy cold day today, so this was a nice surprise to brighten my mood. He is such a smart kid!

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May 8Edited

I can see why he's your favorite! Wobby Wob is such a great dad! "Like and subscribe!" HAHAHA!!!

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You're right! He's so cute, and I think he cottoned on to LOTR magestically!

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I listened to FB this morning and highly enjoyed Calvin’s review. He has a bright future ahead of him!

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The cutest review ever and wow what a smart kiddo!! 😍😍😍😍 Thank you for sharing this!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks Calvin, now that you've explained it to me I don't need to watch it, you saved me 3 hours!!

It was a really great review! I honestly wish I could focus and remember what I watch as well as Calvin does...

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This really brightened a tough morning, thanks for the amazing review Calvin! And I’m super excited to see all the tie dye tees Jess has made, I’ve loved all the ones posted so far!

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It's crazy what she's made - I caught up with her last night and almost stole the lot!

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Don’t steal them all before Saturday!

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Calvin is amazing! This was an adorable surprise at 4am when I can't sleep. I'm eagerly awaiting his insightful reviews from the other installments! Thanks Calvin!

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Nice work Calvin! Such a lot to take in...can't wait for his take on Golum 💜

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This blows my review out of the water. Bravo Calvin!

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Even with more pauses he was somehow more succinct! (Nerd!)

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I review the review at 10/10

Will like and subscribe again

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