May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Thank you for weeding through this muck to save the rest of us. I got a headache from just the overview.

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S a m e :)

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Had no idea about any of this, but it explains where an old friend on insta has gotten her wild theories about Savior Trump. At least her stories are mildly humorous?

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I still can't quite figure out how funny it is, versus truly awful. It's a difficult line. My suggestion? Unfollow that friend. Not worth engaging with.

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Exactly what I did! Considered calling her out on some of her claims, but knew I wasn’t going to reach her, and would only continue to get frustrated. Not worth it!

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Damn it!

Now that you told me not to watch it, I have to watch it!!!😂

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Do not do it. It's much less interesting than you'd think it would be. Honestly.. if you want so-bad-it's-good viewing, do Hell's Bells. Trust me!

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Tried bonding with my mom, a staunch conservative evangelist, over things we've been into lately and she told me to watch this when I mentioned liking conspiracies.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH; to say the least.

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I'm sorry. I mean it's funny, but it sucks. I hope your mom finds a way out of that world.

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

considering your spotify playlists the anti-rock propaganda wasn't very effective :/ but also in all seriousness it is terrifying that young people can just be shown alt-right propaganda (such as the qanon doc) masked as christian teachings and become indoctrinated from such a young age. i imagine that it would be hard to ever recover from that mindset.

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Getting kids early with any kind of messed-up doctrine is awful. Let people learn to think for themselves before shoving any of our adult bullshit fantasy land at them.

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

I watched some of that documentary by mistake a couple weeks ago. This whole pandemic thing has made me stop and take notice of just how crazy some people are. I was aware of the politics and conspiracy theories...I just didn't know how many of the people I knew bought into them. My Facebook feed is full of this shit all the time since we've been on lockdown. It kind of goes in cycles. All this blaming and paranoia. The REAL truth is everything can be traced to Aliens and 5G Towers.

Hahaha Haha ♡

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The internet is making us... dumber. I don't know how humans have fucked this up so much, but we really have.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you. I used to be a social media manager and I have seen some shit. It's terrifying.

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Oh THAT is where the AC/DC is satanic thing came from. I have this vivid memory of a kid at my primary school breathlessly explaining to 9 year old me why my dad was going to hell. Fun times.

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Oh, you're definitely going to hell! Heh.

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Holy moly! I could only make it through the first half of the short video (bonkers). Was satanic panic still a thing in 1998? Thanks for the post David, your sarcasm had me giggling outloud😄

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Still a thing. Always a thing. :(

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

But I think my favourite parts are the 'one knows this, its not documented' intros before things like Project MKUltra are well known.

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

For people that believe that qanon is absolutely real and happening they do take effort not to mention it, I guess in a way that scientologists say their knowledge will ruin people's minds if given to people not prepared...not that's it's absolutely loopy oh no no.

I love that the guy saw absolutely nothing despite saying he was deep in hollywood, and now he's out of work he does?

I really want to see what was edited out of Liz cronkin because her YouTube channel is angry batshit. I didn't know she could seem mildly sensible. As I watched it I imagined the film makers tearing their hair out trying to make her seem sensible not to scare people away from what they actually are.

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"Angry batshit" is so, so correct! Heh. The whole of this film is curated to seem sane. I mean, it pushes the limits of that, but they tried.

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Aha! Finally the mist clears and I get why certain people looked horrified when I mentioned I liked Nine Inch Nails! Wow - people actually believe this nonsense! Amazing world we live in!

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

America never ceases to amaze me

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It's... something. A lot of good there, too. And good people. So many good people. But it certainly leads the way in certain facets of madness.

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There’s definitely something in their water

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May 7, 2020Liked by David Farrier

Now you've told us not to watch it, I now want to watch it!

You've mentioned reading up on conspiracy theories when you were younger, albeit just for fun, but now you seem incredulous at the idea of them. Are there any novel/ongoing ones that tempt you to think there is an inkling of truth to them?...Just a smidge? Even if they are all rubbish, they make excellent bed time reading :)

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I enjoy the debate around the Moon landing. That is fun, and engaging. I am rapidly losing patience for nearly everything else, just because people are becoming so deluded and it's actually influencing the real world. It's not "cute" anymore. I mean, conspiracy culture has always been part of American culture, but current levels are... not good.

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Couldn't contain my laughter at " woke professionals". Too good.

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They're *such* clowns

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Well I just made the mistake of reading your rubbish, thinking you had something to actually say....but seems that any idiot can platform an arguement, irony is too stiff a shirt for even the likes of you to consider relieving yourself from David. Enjoy being fucked by the system!!

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I love your newsletters David but unfortunately I couldn't finish this one. It reminds me too much of a family member of mine, who believes Hillary Clinton is the High Priestess of Satan. She is an intelligent woman, working in finance, very feminist and a critical thinker. I believe this ''critical thinking'' (DON'T BELIEVE THE GOVERNMENT) is what causes her to believe this kind of shit. It gives me a stomach ache AND a headache every time I think about it. On the one hand, these conspiracy thinkers are critical of their government or world leadership, but on the other hand they will believe just about any conspiracy theory there is out there. I've even heard her talking about reptilians dominating the world. What causes people to get sucked into this? I have to be careful around her with certain topics of conversation because I'm afraid to get sucked into a 15 minute monologue about how HRC is running a child pornography ring in pizza places. Oh my fucking god.

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